- The Ducks on the Air radio club goes out on the hunt for a hidden transmitter
- Club members attend a local swap meet for radio gear.
- A directional antenna for radio hunts
- Our differential antenna for picking up Jupiter
- One of us getting Interviewed by KLCC Public Radio for the Jupiter Project
- Our setup for the Jupiter Radio Project
- Checking on Jupiter’s position in the Sky
- The Ducks team trying to pick up radio waves from Jupiter
- Ducks on the Air members at Cannon Beach during the weekend of Sea-Pac convention
- Our members participating in Swap-Tober Fest at the Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall, OR
- Working the North American QSO party in Yamhill, OR
- Hanging out with N7IP at his shack in Yamhill, OR
- President Hannah (W7HER) and vice president Caroline (KO4QXK) at our CARP booth at Sea-Pac convention in Seaside, OR
- Talking with Cyndi Goodgame, K5CYN, about women in ham radio
- Members at Salem Ham Fair at Folk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall, OR
- Members collaborating with SEHS radio club for 7th Area QSO Party
- Our UO bunny used for local “bunny hunts” – hidden transmitter hunts!