
Posted on August 14, 2014 in by


– Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural, and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works

– Examine their own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media

– Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticiy

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Lessig explains “Remix cultures” in his essay “Comparing Cultures. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy”. He suggests some interesting points about cultures, RO and RX and his views about remixing original contents. RO culture is professionalism and RX culture is professionalism and amateurs. Both cultures are valuable to create new cultures. People keep the good messages taught by parents in mind and deliver them to their children. Lessig stated that “From the very beginning of human culture, we have taught our kids RW creativity. We have taught them, that is, how to build upon the culture around us by making reference to that culture or criticizing it”. Like he said, people make references and show other people to follow. If someone makes an art, it can be re-interpreted by someone who develops original contents. I think the process absolutely give an opportunity to develop the original contents and contexts. If the content is an art, other people can add more creative ideas on it. Unless the remix version is not commercially used, it would be fine for everyone to criticize and create new ones based on the original contents. Everyone might have different opinions as they have different values. However, our society taught us to criticize and make a question on every aspects of life. New amateurs start creativity works by analyzing existing works. I think the development of technology limits one’s creativity. If copyrights law is strictly conducted, amateurs no longer show their creativity and had difficult to get evaluation on their works. Therefore, the remixing would be quite a normal phenomenon.


This assignment absolutely reminded me to think of how many works I use without permission. I download some files in Torrent without paying and enjoy to have them. Not for me, I believe everyone use files as free. The reason is definitely that technologies are enormously developed. Through using computers, I can easily find out some necessary information or files. However, this cause an issue of copyright law. Although many people know that using files without permission is a kind of crime, we cannot stop doing so. We are so used to it that creators might concern to get a right to protect their creative works. Those creators absolutely put enormous efforts on making those works and expect them to be respected. Through doing assignment, I thought the issues by standing on creator’s side. The copying works absolutely create angers to creator. However, the creators have a nothing to do for protection of their original contents because the flow of information becomes the common phenomenon in this culture. In some point, copyright law should be conducted strictly to protect creator’s property.

However, I could learn that the remix culture enhance generations to have a creativity. In the reading, there was an interesting point about RO and RX cultures that I haven’t heard about. Also, Lessig explains in his essay that “(new technology) these tools of creativity have become tools of speech.” People have been taught to receive education as well as to respond to everything that culture has formed. In the perspective, the available sources that have been published are good resource to look up thus people have a chance to create new works based on the works. It absolutely creates the creativity. In my case, I also used to be stuck when I do my assignments. At that time, I look for some examples on the Internet and receive a inspiration based on the reference. It always allows me to create new forms of work. It reduces time but makes me create better work. In the point, the current media enhance people to have a new work. If we are not copying exactly the same with the references, it will be fine for everyone because the works is made by creativity.


As time goes by, more technologies will be developed thus copyright might be a big issue in the world. Based on the knowledge I got through the assignment, I will respect all works available and try to create more new works. It might be more difficult in the future to respond to copyright law but using current works effectively will enhance me to manage time and to create new forms of works.


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