What is data? To explore the question, our research pathways traverse data clouds and structures, systems architecture, infographics, media topology transformations, and the political and ethical questions motivated thereby.
- Winter 2015: Symposium: Living Data: Inhabiting New Media
- Fall 2016: collaborative research on Tung-Hui Hu, A Prehistory of the Cloud (MIT Press, 2015)
- Winter 2017: collaborative research on Laura Kurgan, Close Up at a Distance: Mapping, Technology, and Politics (MIT Press, 2013) and Daniel Rosenberg, “Against Infographics” (Art Journal, 2016)
- Spring 2017: collaborative discussion of in-progress book manuscript project by C.W. Anderson, Apostles of Certainty: Data Journalism and the Politics of Truth
- Fall 2017: collaborative research on Noortje Marres, Digital Sociology: The Reinvention of Social Research (Polity 2017).