Project #3 Ideas


1) My first idea is to take photographs of a scene or place and using one word to describe that image, like “peaceful” or “escape”. The focus of this would be on the word placement, font size, font style, how much the text is incorporated to the image, et cetera…


2) My second idea is to get as many people as I can to write me something about them selves, either descriptive, through a poem or song, or a list. And take a portrait of that person. I would lay this out just like the artist we were shown for examples with their portrait image on the top of the page and their words under the image in their own personal handwriting.


3) My third idea is to take portraits of people and ask them a few describing words they think fit them selves and then incorporate those words into the image of themselves. Focusing on how prominent those words are within the image.


4) My fourth idea is to use found text and photograph it in its natural environment, then pair that image with others like it. This would be shown all on one page together as a triptych or diptych. This would be similar to our week 6 blog prompt in a way.


5) My fifth idea is to take portraits of people and then I choose what words I think describes them, this may push stereotypes. As a viewer how do you view this portrait other then how this person views them self.

Project #2 Identity

Project #2 was about identity, to me ones identity is always changing based off their current influences. My identity is manly spent behind the camera shooting people, spots, events, anything I can!  I wanted to put my self in front of the lens for once and exaggerate what I think my current themes are within my identity. This project was really challenging for me because I am so used to being on the other side of the camera… it was really weird to be on the other side of it! If I were to make my project again I would like to add even more “identities” , it would be neat to have them almost cover a wall!