Creative ideas and efforts Blog


Grasshopper Tool Demo – Mosquito, Flow

The Mosquito Plugin I used is a way to find water flow direction based on a topography.  A quite simple script, you must first take topography lines and create a surface with the Patch command in Rhino.  Unfortunately this does not always lead to a completely accurate topo...


Lantern Design

As a final study for my lantern project, I explored the look of various forms, materials and orientations of the latnern.  My initial simple pattern of alternating the triangles created a cylinder.  In order to change the form, created form the folds, I played with the size of...



DAVID LIEBERMAN Gramazio Kohler architects are inspiring for many reasons. Not only they deeply involved in educating the next generation of students, they put their money where their mouth is and stay active in real-world architectural practice. As I analyzed their work, I found that the common thread...


Lantern Revamp

   ^Animated Gifs of the lantern in action. Click to view motion. I revamped the lantern model in Grasshopper as my submission to the IES Luminaire design competition.  As I move forward, the final physical prototype will be made of a more flexible material than the heavyweight paper...


Psychometric Chart (Grasshopper)

Download Rhino Grasshopper files that demonstrate Ladybug’s ability to create a temperature vs. humidity thermal comfort chart.  To work this needs an Energy Plus weather file. Psychometric Chart-qq3q7c