Lily James

This is a photo of me and my friends at the end of our Freshman year, sitting in an exhibition we designed which showcased our artworks from the previous year. I am second from the left on the top row, in the red shirt.

Degree: BFA, Art and Technology

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

I’m From: Portland, Oregon

 Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I chose the University of Oregon because it has an art program that really excited me, and I could stay close to home!

I hadn’t seen any programs like the UO’s Art and Technology program, and I am really interested in experimental and digital ways of making art. I was so excited that I could study art in a more experimental program that would let me create both traditional and digital art!

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
I attended an arts-driven public high school where I was able to experiment with lots of different forms of art making. I think this experience really affected the way I work because when I work on any project, I’m using skills and ideas that I gained from lots of different ways of working – from photography, to drawing, to filmmaking.

My Influential Professors
I have loved many of my professors that I’ve had at the university! During my freshman core studio classes, I had an intro to sculpture class with Marissa Benedict. I loved the way she taught us to think about our projects and the structure of her assignments and prompts were always thought-provoking which made me think about what I was making in a new way.

My Extracurricular Activities
My freshman year I became involved with a College of Design student-run publication called Kitchen Sync Magazine (KSM). Every year we pick a theme and collect student artwork around this theme, interview student artists, and publish a print magazine at the end of the year with the collected works and interviews. It’s now my second year with KSM, and I’m one of the design editors. It has been such a great experience – I’ve met so many amazing people and learned so much about art and design from those peers.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
This year, I’ve really started to get into higher level studios within the Art and Technology program. In these courses, I’m getting to apply what I know about making art to creating digital images and interactive art projects. These classes are making me think about what I make in totally different ways, and giving me so many new tools to create with!

After Graduation
As I’m nearing the end of my second year, I’m really trying to figure out what I want to do once I graduate. I know I want to continue to work creatively and make new things. I am trying to stay open minded and I know it’s far off, but my dream would be to create my own studio – one that would allow me to work with lots of different people to take commissions and create designs and visual materials for others.

Your Gift
I’m so grateful that this scholarship is helping to alleviate some of the financial burden of paying for college. It allows me to continue my studies with less worry about how to pay for them, and allows me to pay for class fees as well as new art materials to create with!

Thank you so much! This will alleviate so much of the stress of paying for next year, and help me focus on my classes. I’m so grateful and honored that I was chosen to receive this award.