Lily James

This is a photo of me, my girlfriend, and my friend when we drove to the beach one weekend! (It was very rainy, and we got soaked immediately after leaving the car. It was still very fun!) I am on the right in the yellow sweater.

Degree: BFA in Art & Technology, minor in Computer & Information Science

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2022

2021-2022 Scholarship
David McCosh Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts

I Am Originally From Beaverton, OR

I chose the University of Oregon because of their unique Art and Technology program, and because it was in Oregon, where I knew I wanted to stay. I love being a part of the College of Design because it feels like a smaller college within the University of Oregon, where I get to have a closer relationship with my professors and fellow students. I love the breadth of classes I’m able to take, to gain experience with so many tools and skills.

I chose Art and Technology because I felt myself really torn between my love of digital and traditional arts, and an interest in computer science. Art & Tech allowed me to combine these two interests. I love that I can continue to pursue my creative interests while learning new technologies and problem-solving skills that I believe will be broadly useful in whatever career I pursue!

In high school, I was lucky enough to attend an arts-focused school, where I was able to try out and learn about many different art forms. Furthermore, I was surrounded by amazingly talented and creative classmates, who influenced my work in more ways than I can count. I  bring this experience of thinking creatively and the influence of the work of past and present classmates who are creating incredible work to why I chose my major.

During my freshman year, I took several really influential classes from Marissa Benedict, Instructor of Art, in sculpture, drawing, and fibers. In her classes, I learned so much about thinking creatively, was encouraged to pursue all of my ideas, and was introduced to many interesting ideas of art and scientific theory.

I am the marketing manager for the UO Visual Arts Team, a group that curates two galleries in the UO Erb Memorial Union. In this role, I’ve been able to meet both student and working artists, interview them about their process, and share their work with the UO community via social media. This is really important to me because I’ve learned so much from these artists, but also I love being able to feature student artists, give them the experience of a gallery show, and get their work in front of a broader audience.

I think my greatest learning experience so far has been working with the Visual Arts Team. As a team, we have tried to focus on increasing the accessibility of our events and everything I share to our social media. In this process, it has opened my eyes to all of the opportunities to increase access, and I have learned so many ways to make the things I create more accessible.

My greatest hope is being able to find a fulfilling career that enables me to find a healthy work/life balance, and allows me to exercise my creativity. I hope to be working as part of a team to create things that I am proud of. I imagine myself using my College of Design education in so many different ways. I know that regardless of what I end up doing, I will use not just the software and technology skills I have learned, but also the problem solving and creative thinking that I have developed.

I am honored to have been chosen to receive this scholarship. It helps to alleviate some of the burden of school fees, allowing me to focus on my education. It will help me pay for supplies for my studio classes as well as living expenses, helping me get as much as I can out of my classes!

Thank you so much for supporting my education! This scholarship allows me to focus on school while worrying less about how I will pay for it. It means so much to me that I was chosen to receive this award, and I am so grateful for your support.