Lily Cronn

This is a photo of me from a series of 35mm photographs that were shown in the fall BFA show.

Degree: BFA, Printmaking; minor in Spanish

Expected Graduation Date: June 2021

I’m From: Corvallis, OR

Why I Came to the UO and How I Chose My Major
I chose the University of Oregon because of the art and design programs here. When I was a Senior in High School, I attended a tour of Lawrence Hall. I loved all the creative spaces in Lawrence and was interested in the college’s Art and Technology and Printmaking programs.

My favorite part about the College of Design is the wonderful staff and faculty. Their continuous support and constructive critiques of my work have helped me grow as an artist.

I have always loved art and my parents have supported that passion. Their help was critical to my development as an artist while growing up. The majority of the community in my hometown of Corvallis valued STEM and agriculture so the arts were often underfunded in the public school system. In my junior year of high school, my parents encouraged me to take summer art classes at OSU. One of the classes I took was printmaking with Yuji Hiratsuka. Even though I had never done printmaking before, I fell in love with the medium. The next year I took Yuji’s class again and had the chance to visit his print studio. These classes helped me decide to study art and showed me that it was possible to have a successful, fulfilling career in what you love.

Before switching my major to printmaking, I studied Art and Technology for the first four years of my undergrad. I enjoyed studying Art and Tech but I had also taken every single printmaking class offered at the university and wanted to study the medium further. Last year I switched to printmaking because of my love for the medium and the desire to grow as a printmaker and artist. The challenge, versatility, physicality and process of printmaking are captivating and fulfilling. I am lucky that I have the chance to pursue my passion and that I chose a college with such a vibrant, supportive and loving printmaking department.

Unique Qualities I Bring to My Studies
My upbringing is tied to my work in many ways. My dad is a plant geneticist and my mom is an avid gardener and environmentalist. Their interest in nature shaped the way I view and interact with the natural world. In my childhood, we didn’t have cable or watch much TV so I was constantly outside and exploring. As I grew older, I realized that this part of my upbringing was abnormal and many of my peers did not value or treat the natural world in the same way I did. Not everyone has access to beautiful natural spaces as we do in Oregon, but this systemic disconnect to nature harms our existence and future. Climate change and the destruction of nature are complex and cannot be fixed by everyone going outside and experiencing nature. However, I believe that even small changes in behavior and thinking can help combat this impending disaster. The natural world is one of the few things we all have in common and I try to convey that message in my art.

My work is an examination of the natural world and how we engage with it. I like places that have been consumed by plants, overtaking the fading fragments of human existence. Spaces like these remove the remains of what was a beautiful, ugly, confusing humanity and ground it in reality. My work aims to celebrate the flaws, curiosities and weird, wonderful aspects of nature. I show the world as I view it in an attempt to make others admire and ponder the natural cycles that continuously envelope our lives.

My Influential Professors
The entire printmaking faculty have been very crucial to my growth as an artist. Eric Guerrero has been my most influential and favorite professor in college. I attribute much of my growth as an artist to his brutal honesty. He has always pushed me and others creatively and conceptually which has helped me think more critically about my art and its place in society. His high expectations have made me a more driven, prolific artist. In addition to this, he is always helpful, encouraging and sincerely cares about the success of his students. Mika Boyd is another professor that has helped me during my undergrad. She has given me opportunities to have access to the studios when I otherwise wouldn’t have. She is also a wonderful instructor and is one of the kindest and most generous people I have met at UO. She is always dedicated to the success and growth of her students and has helped me immensely as a printmaker. Outside of the printmaking department, a professor that has helped shape my thinking as an artist is Michael Salter. His approach to art and life is cynical yet brilliant. His instruction has made me see the world in different ways, helped me be more constructively critical and has changed how I approach art-making. Salter’s dedication to his students is unmatched. He is always accommodating to students’ needs and is invested in their growth.

My Extracurricular Activities
I have been a studio assistant at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art since starting college four years ago. At the museum, I teach kids classes, summer camps and the Madres Club which is an art club for Spanish-speaking moms and their kids. This job has given me many life skills and has brought me a lot of joy. I love sharing my passion for art with others, regardless of skill or age. The Madre Club by far has been my favorite event I helped teach. The mothers who attend were always wonderful to work with and invested in making art.

My Greatest Learning Experience at UO
One of the most impactful experiences I have had at UO is learning to think artistically and question my work. This is something that both Eric Guerrero and Michael Salter emphasized in their classes. This way of thinking and analysis has helped me artistically and in the real world.

After Graduation
After school, I would like to work as a Graphic Designer and artist. I would like to find design work in the music industry or the non-profit sector. During my time in college, I worked at the School of Music and Dance as a graphic designer and also created gig posters for local bands. I have played music for most of my life and I enjoy combining these interests. In addition to design, I would like to continue my fine art practice, especially in printmaking, and continue to create and show work.

Your Gift
This scholarship has helped with the financial burden of my 5th year. Due to the pandemic, I lost two of my jobs and my third job cut my hours in half. This scholarship has helped pay for my tuition and supplies. Overall it has relieved me of a lot of stress and has given me the ability to fully focus on my practice.

Thank you so much for this support. This scholarship is helping me reach my goals and pursue my passions. It has also given me access to important supplies and helps alleviate debt post-graduation.