
87. The Unique Pt(II)-induced nucleolar stress response and its deviation from DNA damage response pathways.
Pigg, H.C., Alley, K.R., Griffin, C.R., Moon, C.H., Kraske, S.J., DeRose, V.J. 2024, Submitted.

86. Click-Capable Phenanthriplatin Derivatives as Tools to Study Pt(II)-Induced Nucleolar Stress.
*O’Dowd, P. D., *Guerrero, A. S., Alley, K. R., Pigg, H. C., O’Neill, F., Meiller, J., Hobbs, C., Rodrigues, D. A., Twamley, B., O’Sullivan, F., DeRose, V. J., Griffith, D. M. ACS Chem. Biol. 2024, 19 (4), 875–885. DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.3c00607. Link

85. Comparison of Click-Capable Oxaliplatin and Cisplatin Derivatives to Better Understand Pt(II)-Induced Nucleolar Stress.
*Guerrero, A.S., *O’Dowd, P.D., Pigg, H.C., Alley, K.R., Griffith, D.M., DeRose, V.J., RSC Chem. Biol. 2023, 4 (10), 785–793. DOI: 10.1039/D3CB00055A. Link

84. Time-dependent studies of oxaliplatin and other nucleolar stress-inducing platinum compounds.
Pigg, H.C., Yglesias, M.V., Sutton, E.C., McDevitt, C.E., Shaw, *M., DeRose, V.J. ACS Chem. Biol2022,  17 (8), 2262-2271. DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.2c00399. Link

 83. Influence of ring modifications on nucleolar stress caused by oxaliplatin-like compounds.
*McDevitt, C.E., *Guerrero, A.S., Smith, H.M., DeRose V.J. ChemBioChem, 2022, e20220013, (Very Important Paper designation); DOI:10.1002/cbic.202200130. ChemRxiv; DOI 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-v015w. Link

82. Spectroscopic characterization of Mn2+ and Cd2+ coordination to phosphorothioates in the conserved A9 metal site of the hammerhead ribozyme.
Hunsicker-Wang, L.M., Vogt, M.J., Hoogstraten, C.F., Cosper, N.J., Davenport, A.M., Hendon, C.H., Scott, R.A., Britt, R.D., DeRose, V.J. J. Inorg. Biochem. (Special issue in honor of Richard Holm) 2022, 230, 111754. DOI 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2022.111754

81. Early nucleolar responses differentiate mechanisms of cell death induced by oxaliplatin and cisplatin
Emily Sutton, Victoria J. DeRose, J. Biol. Chem2021, 296, 100633 Link

80. Metal ion interactions with DNA, RNA, and nucleic acid enzymes
V.J. DeRose, M.V. Yglesias. Chapter 8 in Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III, E.C. Constable, G. Parkin, L. Que Jr. (Eds.) , Elsevier, Oxford, 2021, pp. 968-993 Link

79Editorial overview: Bioinorganic chemistry: Metals in biology: approaching the big picture. 
DeRose, V.J. and Michel, S, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. 2020, 55, A4–A6. DOI 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.03.002 (edited)  

78. Nucleolar stress induction by oxaliplatin and derivatives
Emily Sutton*, Christine McDevitt*, Jack Prochnau, Matthew Yglesias, Austin Mroz, Min Chieh Yang, Rachael Cunningham, Christopher Hendon, Victoria J. DeRose,  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019 141(46), 18411-18415 Link

77. Monofunctional platinum(II) compounds and nucleolar stress: Is phenanthriplatin unique?
Christine McDevitt, Matthew Yglesias, Austin Mroz, Emily Sutton, Min Chieh Yang, Christopher Hendon, Victoria J. DeRose,  J Biol Inorg Chem. 2019 24(6), 899-906 Link

76. Tracking the cellular targets of platinum anticancer drugs: Current tools and emergent methods
Emily Sutton, Christine McDevitt, Matthew Yglesias, Rachael Cunningham, Victoria J. DeRose Inorganica chim. acta, 2019 ASAP Link

75. Pt-Induced Crosslinks Promote Target Enrichment and Protection from Serum Nucleases
Rachel M. Cunningham, Anna Hickey, Jesse Wilson, Kory Plakos,  Victoria J. DeRose J. Inorg. Biochem., 2018 189, 124-133 Link

74. Mapping platinum adducts on yeast ribosomal RNA using high-​throughput sequencing
Kory Plakos and Victoria J. DeRose Chemcomm, 2017 53(95), 12746-12749 Link

73. Platinum Binds Proteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum of S. cerevisiae and Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
Rachael M. Cunningham and Victoria J. DeRose ACS Chem. Biol., 2017 12(11), 2737-2745 Link

Figure 1

72. Beyond Mg(2+)​: functional interactions between RNA and transition metals
Adam M. Saunders and Victoria J. DeRose Curr Opin Chem Biol, 2016 31, 153-159 Link

71. Multifunctional Pt(II) Reagents: Covalent Modifications of Pt Complexes Enable Diverse Structural Variation and In-Cell Detection
Jonathan D. White, Michael M. Haley, and Victoria J. DeRose Acc. Chem. Res., 2016 49(1), 56-66Link

70. Azide vs Alkyne Functionalization in Pt(II) Complexes for Post-treatment Click Modification: Solid-State Structure, Fluorescent Labeling, and Cellular Fate
Regina Wirth*, Jonathan D. White*, Alan D. Moghaddam*, Aurora L. Ginzburg, Lev N. Zakharov, Michael M. Haley, and Victoria J. DeRose J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015 137(48), 15169-15175 Link

69. An Alkyne-Appended, Click-Ready Pt(II) Complex with an Unusual Arrangement in the Solid State
Jonathan D. White, Lindsay E. Guzman, Dr. Lev N. Zakharov, Prof. Michael M. Haley and Prof. Victoria J. DeRose, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015 54 (3), 1032-1035 Link

68. Convenient Detection of Metal-DNA, Metal-RNA, and Metal-Protein Adducts With a Click-Modified Pt(II) Complex
Alan D. Moghaddam*, Jonathan D. White*, Rachael M Cunningham, Andrea N Loes, Michael M Haley and Victoria J. DeRose Dalton Transactions 2015, 44, 3536-3539 Link

67. Platinum-RNA Modifications Following Drug Treatment in S. cerevisiae Identified by Click Chemistry and Enzymatic Mapping
Maire F. Osborn , Jonathan D. White , Michael M. Haley , and Victoria J. DeRose ACS Chem. Bio. 2014, 9 (10), pp 2404–2411 Link

66. Nucleic Acid Catalysis: Metals, Nucleobases, and Other Cofactors
W. Luke Ward, Kory Plakos, and Victoria J. DeRose Chem. Rev. 2013, 135 (32), pp 11680–11683 Link

65. Picazoplatin, an Azide-Containing Platinum(II) Derivative for Target Analysis by Click Chemistry
White, Jonathan D.; Osborn, Maire F; Moghaddam, Alan D; Guzman, Lindsay E; Haley, Michael M; DeRose, Victoria J J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (32), pp 11680–11683 Link

64.  Defect Mechanisms in High Resistivity BaTiO3-Bi(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O3 Ceramics
Raengthon, Natthaphon; DeRose, Victoria J.; Brennecka, Geoffrey L.; Cann, David P. Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101(11), 112904/1-112904/5. Link

63.  Ground-State Coordination of a Catalytic Metal to the Scissile Phosphate of a Tertiary-Stabilized Hammerhead Ribozyme
Ward, W. Luke; DeRose, Victoria J. RNA 2012, 18(1), 16-23.Link

62.  Site-Specific Platinum(II) Cross-Linking in a Ribozyme Active Site
Chapman, Erich G.; DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 2012, 134(1), 256-262  Link

61.  RNA-Pt Adducts Following Cisplatin Treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Hostetter, Alethia A.; Osborn, Maire F.; DeRose, Victoria J. ACS Chemical Biology 2012, 7(1), 218-225 Link

60.  Binding of Kinetically Inert Metal Ions to RNA: the Case of Platinum(II)
Chapman, Erich G.; Hostetter, Alethia A.; Osborn, Maire F.; Miller, Amanda L.; DeRose, Victoria J. Metal Ions in Life Sciences 2011, 9(Structural and Catalytic Roles of Metal Ions in RNA), 347-377. Link

59.  Ru binding to RNA Following Treatment with the Antimetastatic Prodrug NAMI-A in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and In-Vitro
Hostetter, Alethia A.; Miranda, Michelle L.; DeRose, Victoria J.; McFarlane Holman, Karen L. JBIC 2011, 16(8), 1177-1185 Link

58.  Precise Mapping of RNA Tertiary Structure via Nanometer Distance Measurements with Double Electron-ElectronResonance Spectroscopy
Kim, Nak-Kyoon; Bowman, Michael K.; DeRose, Victoria J. From JACS 2010, 132(26), 8882-8884. Link

57.  Enzymatic Processing of Platinated RNAs
Chapman, Erich G.; DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 2010, 132(6), 1946-1952. Lin

56.  The Identity of the Nucleophile Substitution May Influence Metal Interactions with the Cleavage Site of the Minimal Hammerhead Ribozyme
Osborne, Edith M.; Ward, W. Luke; Ruehle, Max Z.; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2009, 48(44), 10654-10664. Link

55.  Rapid Cross-Linking of an RNA Internal Loop by the Anticancer Drug Cisplatin
Hostetter, Alethia A.; Chapman, Erich G.; DeRose, Victoria J. From JACS 2009, 131(26), 9250-9257. Link

54.  Characterizaation of Nucleic Acid-Metal Ion Binding by Spectroscopic Techniques
DeRose, Victoria J.
Edited By:Hud, Nicholas V Nucleic Acid-Metal Ion Interactions 2009, 154-179. Link

53.  Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis
DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 2008, 130(42), 14017. Link

52.  Sensing Cellular Magnesium with RNA
DeRose, Victoria J. Nature Chemical Biology 2007, 3(11), 693-694. Link

51.  Multifrequency Pulsed EPR Studies of Biologically Relevant Manganese(II) Complexes
Stich, T. A.; Lahiri, S.; Yeagle, G.; Dicus, M.; Brynda, M.; Gunn, A.; Aznar, C.; DeRose, V. J.; Britt, R. D. Applied Magnetic Resonance 2007, 31(1-2), 321-341. Link

50.  Activation of the Binuclear Metal Center through Formation of Phosphotriesterase-Inhibitor Complexes
Samples, Cynthia R.; Raushel, Frank M.; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2007, 46(11), 3435-3442. Link

49.  Coordination Environment of a Site-Bound Metal Ion in the Hammerhead Ribozyme Determined by 15N and 2HESEEM Spectroscopy
Vogt, Matthew; Lahiri, Simanti; Hoogstraten, Charles G.; Britt, R. David; DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 2006, 128(51), 16764-16770. Link

48.  De Novo Design and Spectroscopic Characterization of a Dinucleating Copper-Binding Pentadecapeptide
Rockcliffe, David A.; Cammers, Arthur; Murali, Ayaluru; Russell, William K.; DeRose, Victoria J. Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 45(2), 472-474. Link

47.  Separate Metal Requirements for Loop Interactions and Catalysis in the Extended Hammerhead Ribozyme
Kim, Nak-Kyoon; Murali, Ayaluru; DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 2005, 127(41), 14134-14135.Link

46.  Protonation of the Binuclear Metal Center within the Active Site of Phosphotriesterase
Samples, Cynthia R.; Howard, Timothy; Raushel, Frank M.; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2005, 44(33), 11005-11013. Link

45.  Characterization of a Native Hammerhead Ribozyme Derived from Schistosomes
Osborne, Edith M.; Schaak, Janell E.; Derose, Victoria J. RNA 2005, 11(2), 187-196. Link

44.  Visualization of Distance Distribution from Pulsed Double Electron-Electron Resonance Data
Bowman, M. K.; Maryasov, A. G.; Kim, N.; DeRose, V. J. Applied Magnetic Resonance 2004, 26(1-2), 23-39 Link

43.  A Distance Ruler for RNA Using EPR and Site-Directed Spin Labeling
Kim, Nak-Kyoon; Murali, Ayaluru; DeRose, Victoria J. Chemistry & Biology 2004, 11(7), 939-948. Link

42.  DNA and RNA as Ligands Derose, V. J.; Burns, S.; Kim, N.-K.; Vogt, M. Edited By:McCleverty, Jon A.; Meyer, Thomas J Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II 2004, 8, 787-813. Link

41.  Mn2+ Sites Investigated by Advanced EPR Techniques: In-depth Study of Mn2+ Ion-Binding Sites in the Hammerheadribozyme
Vogt, Matthew; DeRose, Victoria J. From ACS Symposium Series 2003, 858(Paramagnetic Resonance of Metallobiomolecules), 193-211. Link

40.  Localization and Speciation of Chromium in Subterranean Clover Using XRF, XANES, and EPR Spectroscopy
Howe, Julie A.; Loeppert, Richard H.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Hunter, Douglas B.; Bertsch, Paul M. Environmental Science and Technology 2003, 37(18), 4091-4097. Link

39.  Metal Ion binding to Catalytic RNA Molecules
DeRose, Victoria J. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2003, 13(3), 317-324. Link

38.  Two Decades of RNA Catalysis
DeRose, Victoria J. Chemistry & Biology 2002, 9(9), 961-969. Link

37.  Manganese-Catalyzed Epoxidations of Alkenes in Bicarbonate Solutions
Lane, Benjamin S.; Vogt, Matthew; DeRose, Victoria J.; Burgess, Kevin JACS 2002, 124(40), 11946-11954. Link

36.  Design and Spectroscopic Characterization of Peptide Models for the Plastocyanin Copper-Binding Loop
Daugherty, Roxanne G.; Wasowicz, Tomasz; Gibney, Brian R.; DeRose, Victoria J. Inorganic Chemistry 2002, 41(10), 2623-2632. Link

35.  Structural Analysis of Metal Ion Ligation to Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Using Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy
Hoogstraten, Charles G.; Grant, Christopher V.; Horton, Thomas E.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Britt, R. David JACS 2002, 124(5), 834-842. Link

34.  Designing Metal-Peptide Models for Protein Structure and Function
Xing, Gang; DeRose, Victoria J. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2001, 5(2), 196-200. Link

33.  Coordination Chemistry of Peptides Based on the Active Sites of Unique Metalloproteins
DeRose, Victoria J.; Xing, Gang; Daugherty, Roxanne G. Abstracts of Papers, 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, April 1-5, 2001 (2001), INOR558

32.  Fe- and Co- Complexes with Peptides Based on the Active Site of Nitrile Hydratases
Xing, Gang; DeRose, Victoria J. Abstracts of Papers, 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, April 1-5, 2001 (2001), INOR547

31.  Activities and Relative Affinities of Divalent Metals in Unmodified and Phosphorothioate-Substituted Hammerheadribozymes
Hunsicker, Laura M.; DeRose, Victoria J. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2000, 80(3-4), 271-281. Link

30.  Metal-Phosphate Interactions in the Hammerhead Ribozyme Observed by 31P NMR and Phosphorothioate Substitutions
Maderia, Melissa; Hunsicker, Laura M.; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2000, 39(40), 12113-12120. Link

29.  Cobalt Hexammine Inhibition of the Hammerhead Ribozyme
Horton, Thomas E.; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2000, 39(37), 11408-11416. Link

28.  An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Mn2(H2O)(OAc)4(tmeda)2 (tmeda = N,N,N’,N’Tetramethylethylenediamine): A Model for Dinuclear Manganese Enzyme Active Sites
Howard, Timothy; Telser, Joshua; DeRose, Victoria J. Inorganic Chemistry 2000, 39(15), 3379-3385. Link

27.  Impact of Phosphorothioate Substitutions on the Thermodynamic Stability of an RNA GAAA Tetraloop: AnUnexpected Stabilization
Horton, Thomas E.; Maderia, Melissa; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2000, 39(28), 8201-8207. Link

26.  Metal Interactions with a GAAA RNA Tetraloop Characterized by 31P NMR and Phosphorothioate Substitutions
Maderia, Melissa; Horton, Thomas E.; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 2000, 39(28), 8193-8200. Link

25.  Mn2+ Sites in the Hammerhead Ribozyme Investigated by EPR and Continuous-Wave Q-band ENDOR Spectroscopies
Morrissey, Susan R.; Horton, Thomas E.; DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 2000, 122(14), 3473-3481. Link

24.  Mn2+-Nitrogen Interactions in RNA Probed by Electron Spin-Echo Envelope Modulation Spectroscopy: Application tothe Hammerhead Ribozyme
Morrissey, Susan R.; Horton, Thomas E.; Grant, Christopher V.; Hoogstraten, Charles G.; Britt, R. David; DeRose, Victoria J. JACS 1999, 121(39), 9215-9218. Link

23.  Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Measurement of Mn2+ Binding Affinities to the HammerheadRibozyme and Correlation with Cleavage Activity
Horton, Thomas E.; Clardy, D. Roxanne; DeRose, Victoria J. Biochemistry 1998, 37(51), 18094-18101. Link

22.  Structural Effects of Calcium Depletion on the Manganese Cluster of Photosystem II: Determination by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Latimer, Matthew J.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Yachandra, Vittal K.; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 1998, 102(42), 8257-8265. Link

21.  A Multinuclear ENDOR Study of the C-Cluster in CO Dehydrogenase from Clostridium Rhermoaceticum: Evidence forHxO and Histidine Coordination to the [Fe4S4] Center
DeRose, Victoria J.; Telser, Joshua; Anderson, Mark E.; Lindahl, Paul A.; Hoffman, Brian M. JACS 1998, 120(34), 8767-8776. Link

20.  Observation of a Flavin Semiquinone in the Resting State of Monoamine Oxidase B by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy
DeRose, Victoria J.; Woo, Jonathan C. G.; Hawe, William P.; Hoffman, Brian M.; Silverman, Richard B. Biochemistry 1996, 35(34), 11085-11091. Link

19.  Investigation of the Dinuclear Fe Center of Methane Monooxygenase by Advanced Paramagnetic Resonance Techniques: on the Geometry of DMSO Binding
DeRose, Victoria J.; Liu, Katherine E.; Lippard, Stephen J.; Hoffman, Brian M. JACS 1996, 118(1), 121-34. Link

18.  Evidence for the Proximity of Calcium to the Manganese Cluster of Photosystem II: Determination by X-rayAbsorption Spectroscopy
Latimer, Matthew J.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Mukerji, Ishita; Yachandra, Vittal K.; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Biochemistry 1995, 34(34), 10898-909. Link

17.  Investigation of CO Bound to Inhibited Forms of Nitrogenase MoFe Protein by 13C ENDOR
Pollock, Robert C.; Lee, Hong-In; Cameron, Linda M.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Hales, Brian J.; Orme-Johnson, W. H.; Hoffman, Brian M. JACS 1995, 117(33), 8686-7. Language: English, Database: CAPLUS, DOI:10.1021/ja00138a033Link

16.  Protein Structure and Mechanism Studied by Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy
DeRose, Victoria J.; Hoffman, Brian M. Methods in Enzymology 1995, 246, 554-89.

15.  Fluoride Substitution in the Mn cluster from Photosystem II: EPR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies By DeRose, Victoria J.; Latimer, Matthew J.; Zimmermann, Jean-Luc; Mukerji, Ishita; Yachandra, Vittal K.; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Chemical Physics 1995, 194(2,3), 443-59. Link

14.  Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation Spectroscopic Analysis of Altered Nitrogenase MoFe Proteins from Azotobacter vinelandii
DeRose, Victoria J.; Kim, Chul-Hwan; Newton, William E.; Dean, Dennis R.; Hoffman, Brian M.From Biochemistry 1995, 34(9), 2809-14. Link

13.  Metalloenzyme Active-Site Structure and Function through Multifrequency CW and Pulsed ENDOR
Hoffman, Brian M.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Doan, Peter E.; Gurbiel, Ryszard J.; Houseman, Andrew L. P.; Telser, Joshua Biological Magnetic Resonance 1993, 13(EMR of Paramagnetic Molecules), 151-218.

12.  Sensitivity enhancement in field-modulated CW ENDOR via RF bandwidth broadening
Hoffman, Brian M.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Ong, Jui-Lin; Davoust, Clark E. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A 1994, 110(1), 52-7. Link

11.  Orientation of the Oxygen-Evolving Manganese Complex in a Photosystem II Membrane Preparation: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study
Mukerji, Ishita; Andrews, Joy C.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Latimer, Matthew J.; Yachandra, Vittal K.; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Biochemistry 1994, 33(32), 9712-21. Link

10.  ESEEM and ENDOR Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Non-Kramers Doublet in the Integer-Spin Diiron(II) Forms of Two Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylases and Hemerythrin Azide
Hoffman, Brian M.; Sturgeon, Bradley E.; Doan, Peter E.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Liu, Katherine E.; Lippard, Stephen J. JACS 1994, 116(13), 6023-4. Link

9.    Comparison of the Manganese Oxygen-Evolving Complex in Photosystem II of Spinach and Synechococcus sp. with Multinuclear Manganese Model Compounds by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
DeRose, Victoria J.; Mukerji, Ishita; Latimer, Matthew J.; Yachandra, Vittal K.; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. JACS 1994, 116(12), 5239-49. Link

8.    Identification of a Cyanide Binding Site in CO dehydrogenase from Clostridium thermoaceticum using EPR and ENDOR Spectroscopies
Anderson, Mark E.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Hoffman, Brian M.; Lindahl, Paul A. JACS 1993, 115(25), 12204-5 Link

7.    A Structural Model for the Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolving Manganese Complex
Yachandra, V. K.; DeRose, V. J.; Latimer, M. J.; Mukerji, I.; Sauer, K.; Klein, M. P. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1:  Regular Papers, Short Notes & Review Papers 1993, 32(Suppl. 32-2, XAFS VII), 523-6.

6.    Proton ENDOR Identification of Bridging Hydroxide Ligands in Mixed-Valent Diiron Centers of Proteins: Methanemonooxygenase and Semimet Azidohemerythrin
DeRose, Victoria J.; Liu, Katherine E.; Kurtz, Donald M., Jr.; Hoffman, Brian M.; Lippard, Stephen J. JACS 1993, 115(14), 6440-1. Link

5.    Where Plants Make Oxygen: a Structural Model for the Photosynthetic Oxygen-Evolving Manganese Cluster
Yachandra, Vittal K.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Latimer, Matthew J.; Mukerji, Ishita; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Science 1993, 260(5108), 675-9. Link

4.    Ubiquinol-Cytochrome c Oxidoreductase of Higher Plants.  Isolation and Characterization of the bc1 Complex from Potatotuber Mitochondria
Berry, Edward A.; Huang, Li Shar; DeRose, Victoria J. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1991, 266(14), 9064-77.

3.    Nitrogen ligation to manganese in the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex:  continuous-wave and pulsed EPRstudies of photosystem II particles containing nitrogen-14 or nitrogen-15
DeRose, Victoria J.; Yachandra, Vittal K.; McDermott, Ann E.; Britt, R. David; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Biochemistry 1991, 30(5), 1335-41. Link

2.    X-ray absorption spectroscopy of manganese in the photosynthetic apparatus
Yachandra, Vittal K.; Guiles, R. D.; McDermott, Ann E.; Cole, James L.; DeRose, Victoria J.; Zimmermann, J. L.; Sauer, Kenneth; Klein, Melvin P. Physica B:  Condensed Matter 1989, 158(1-3), 78-80. Link

1.    EPR methods to study specific metal-ion binding sites in RNA
Hunsicker-Wang Laura; Vogt Matthew; Derose Victoria J Methods in Enzymology 1989, 468335-67