First Week Reflection

October 6, 2013

This past week in BA 352 has been a slightly stressful one, though I am excited to get into the topics of the course. Coming in to the class, I only knew that there was a group project that took up approximately ten hours a week. I was intimidated by the expected workload; however, now I am excited to learn important skills in leadership and communication. All of the assignments seem important and have implications in the real business world, which I find quite exciting; I’m looking forward to learning how to do a proper resume, cover letter, and business memo. The only aspect of the class I’m having difficulties with is the reading; it seems quite abstract in its ideas, so I am hoping that in-class discussions will help to clarify some of the ideas that I find difficult to grasp reading them individually. So far the course seems challenging, though it should help prepare me to succeed in the business realm.

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