Reflection Week 5

November 1, 2013

This week in class was fairly frustrating, but helped me to understand the core issue in the proposal my group is working on. The presentation went alright, I felt there were some areas lacking our presentation just from watching other presentations. Also, the comment about looking at our issue from a curricular standpoint threw me off; I thought that meant we had to choose a class that could incorporate our solution, but after hearing about getting the faculty involved, I better understood that our issue has a basis in the classroom. The second lecture class we had really helped broaden the issue at hand to developing habits. How we develop habits, why we do them are all issues that we need to incorporate into our proposal to understand how to make our solution work.

This week’s meeting did not allow me to develop much regarding my emotional intelligence or my leadership development plan. We basically divided up the writing for the proposal and decided to meet again later in the week to piece our parts together. I learned that I am very proficient at answering group questions and allowing for more answers to be made that are different from my own

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