Week 3 Reflection

October 19, 2013

The two lectures this week allowed me to try to think outside the box in terms of some of the issues that LCB students face. I found it to be difficult trying to move away from my viewpoint and what I want from the LCB, and to move into the views of all the students. The interviews that I conducted were helpful in deciding some of the needs that the LCB has the potential to accomplish.

The meeting this week helped show me some of my weaknesses as a leader, but it also helped me work on some of my goals outlined in my leadership development plan.  I did some self-reflection after the meeting about my leadership skills and abilities. I was able to speak up about my ideas on our want ad, as well as the expanded POV statement. Some things I found I need to work on is motivating others in my group to challenge ideas. I am highly self-motivated; however, one of my group members finds it difficult to speak up about his ideas. I need to encourage him to speak about what he thinks while we contribute to the group project.

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