Author Archives: ddavis2

To the left is Peyton, after him is Taylor, after that is Tom, to the right is Isaah, after that is Chris.In this picture it displays my teammates smiling because someone told a funny joke. This is similar to Thanksgiving at home when everyone is super happy to be around each other and is enjoying there selves while at the diner table.

To the left is Jacob, after him is Ryan, after him is Sam, After him is Big Tube, to the right is Jack, after him is Justin, after him is Charlie, and after him is Dawson. This picture display my teammates after they finished eating the meal that was provided and it resembles how it will look after my families finished eating diner.

To the left is Fat Mac, after him is Demetri, after him is Sam. To the Right is Jacob, after him is Jack, and in the far middle is Hunter. This shows the food container that the food was being served in and some of my teammates posing for the photo. At home all of the food will be displayed in the dinning room.

To the left is BlackHawk, in the left middle is Blake, in the right middle is Keith, and to the right is Adam. In this picture they all have different items on their plate and they all have a smile on there face. They also all have Gatorades to drink with their diner. At home i will be sitting next to my brothers and sisters and we will be drink cider that my mother brought from the store.

This is a plate that me and my teammates had this Thanksgiving. It has Mac and Cheese, Honey Ham, Turkey, Sweet potato’s, Salad, Green Beans, and Mash potato’s. Which is on a paper plate. At home my mother will make my wouldn’t have made salad because it didn’t comply with the meal that we were consuming. It didn’t really taste as good as my moms cooking but it was the only thing i had.

American Culture an Sports Culture

Thanksgiving is a holiday that I used to enjoy with my family. It was the one holiday that all my family members came together to celebrate for the first time ever year besides family reunions. Just like other families, it is arguably the most wonderful day besides Christmas, where people come together and enjoy the greatest meal ever prepared by their family. Thanksgiving is a day that you show thanks and appreciate the ones that you love and enjoy. As of now, my meaning of Thanksgiving has changed. Since I became a college student-athlete, I have lost the joy that I had about Thanksgiving. The reason I say this is because I can no longer be with my family and love ones on this joyful day. The reason this is because I have a football game on the week of Thanksgiving which means I have to practice on Thanksgiving which is quite disappointing. While everyone else is have a good time with there families and friends, my teammates and I have to throw ours aside to entertain people who watch us on TV. Besides that, Thanksgiving is kind of joyful for me because I get to spend it with my teammates who I call my brothers. Even though we’re thousands of miles from our family, we still find a way to make it enjoyable. We come together in the team dining hall and have a dinner that our coaches provides for us and we try to forget about being home and just enjoy the time we have with each other which makes it a special sports Thanksgiving.