Getting into the final stage!
This week has been a very important week for my team. We had to finish the first draft of our proposal, which was a lot of work. We met once this weekend and we went over it with everybody last night when we met one more time. It is hard to say whether the professor thinks we did a good job or not, but it felt good that everybody worked hard for it and that we think that we created a good first proposal!
We also had to give feedback to each person of our team and go through a team feedback packet in class. Giving feedback was pretty tough for me because I really had to think about the exact behaviors that helped the team and behaviors that can still get better to have a bigger contribution to the team. It was a good exercise for me, and it helped me to think deeper about each teammate. Receiving the feedback in class was a good experience as well. I agreed with almost all of the comments that I got, which gave me a good feeling. My main strengths reported by my teammates were my positive and enthusiast attitude, setting the goals for each meeting and focus on the big picture, well communicating with the team, and coming prepared for our meetings. It gave me a good feeling to read positive feedback from other people. It was also good to read about my areas for improvement, which mainly were being more confident about an opinion or idea, voicing my ideas/opinions better, and being more challenging. I agree with those comments and will try to improve on those the last few weeks of the class!
I am doing well with the action plans my Leadership Development Plan, which I also saw back in the comments of my teammates. My first plan was to be a better leader by setting the goals for every meeting. I did this every time, except for the one meeting I missed, and two teammates told me that they really like it and that it helps them to focus on our task(s). My teammates have agreed with all the goals I have set so far, which gives me a good feeling and confidence to keep doing it with future teamwork. My second plan was to have a very positive attitude to my team and to talk a lot during the meetings. Four of the five people told me in their feedback that I had a very positive attitude so far, so that was very good to hear! I talked a lot during the meetings as well, but as I said before, I can still improve this part of my plan by voicing myself in a better way and by asking more questions/be more challenging.
It was a good week and I realize that I am improving as a leader! Our team is excited to hear the Professor’s feedback about our first proposal!
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