In the Moment

By: <Yu, Ching-Cheng>

Rosa Liao, 23 years old, an one year exchange student of University of Oregon from Taiwan. She is majoring in General Science. It is her first time coming to America.

17 February, 2017 – Rosa Liao, 23 years old, an one year exchange student of University of Oregon from Taiwan first time come to Taylor’s Bar & Grill in Eugene, Oregon. This is from her point of view to see inside of Taylor’s Bar & Grill.
17 February, 2017 – Eugene, OR — Rosa stands alone at the bar counter and drinks screwdriver in Taylor’s Bar & Grill. There are all Americans around her and she is the only Asian exchange student. She looks at a bartender in meditation.
17 February, 2017 – Eugene, OR — The Asian exchange student Rosa takes away the straw and drinks the screwdriver fast in Taylor’s Bat & Grill. She tries to talk with Americans, but no one talks to her, and she figures out Americans only play with their own groups.
17 February, 2017 – This is the screwdriver that Rosa drinks. The screwdriver is mixed with vodka and orange juice and she heard it is most people would try the mixed drink when it’s their first time.
17 February, 2017 – Rosa talks to the bartender and orders a glass of screwdriver in Taylor’s Bar & Grill in Eugene, Oregon. When she paid the bill, she didn’t give him a tip because she didn’t know that she needs to give the bartender a tip.