How One Becomes Three

The realistic heart located in the center is inspired by a sketch done by Andrew Carnie. The design around the heart is my personal twist on the display. The pattern is made up of all triangles and has 3 main sections. Each section has a specific color; Red, Blue and Purple which conceptualizes your Physical Heart (Red) your Mental Heart (Blue) and Spiritual Heart (Purple). I did this color scheme purposefully because red and blue make purple therefore your physical and mental heart makes up your spiritual heart. The outline of the piece is the classic heart shape we associate our hearts with. I did this because people need a reference and understanding of the symbolism behind the piece. The classic heart symbol helps outline the 3 areas and is easier to visualize that there’s balance between them. Finally, the pencil design inside the realistic heart represents the on going process of building and strengthening your own heart. The pencil symbolizes the structure of ones heart. It’s drawn in pencil because if it was in pen there would be no connection to how we must continuously strengthen our hearts. Imagine if the pencil would design get darker and closer to a more permanent medium as we build up each area. This would mean a stronger heart structure which means a healthier heart overall. Hence making less need for a future heart transplant.