Insight to Inside

A Research Project called Andrew Carnie Heart Project was a huge influence on my final project. My artist, Andrew Carnie, along with other scientist and artists, have created this with intentions of showing of PTSD affects Heart Transplant recipients. When I stumbled upon this website I felt a strong connection to my heart because I too have a heart condition that will eventually lead to a heart transplant. This artist, had wildly changed how I look at his art and it made me feel a more personal connection. Until I realized the effect and distress of heart transplants, I truly believed that it was my best and only option. This is where I was wrong to believe this, American society has lead us to believe our new technological advances are accessible and a viable option if you have a heart condition. Another thing we must think about is our trust into doctors, the saviors of the sick, but truly think about it from another perspective, they do this routinely and get paid a lot of money. This could create a terrible feeling for patients because they could see themselves as money making objects in hospitals. We must be conscious of our hearts and we can do so by looking at the 3 areas of it and how to make them stronger. Physically, so your physical beating heart and we have to eat healthy and do cardio work outs daily. Mentally, your heart within your mind so when you feel emotion and to make this stronger, love people around you and show loves towards friends and family. Finally, Spiritually, your spiritual heart or soul, is harder to explain but its the idea behind it. Much like your mental heart you have to keep love in mind, you must love yourself and your decisions. Making poor decisions can lead to stress and you not loving yourself can also create image problems, making you change who you are and this no good for your mind body or soul. All of these suggestions for making your 3 hearts better are easy and done by most people everyday. We do this subconsciously and this is how I created my Creative Display in hopes for you can recognize the symbolism subconsciously.