All readings can be found in Design Studies A Reader Section Three: Theorizing Design and Visuality

POV 5a  (for conversation on Monday 4/27/15) / pg. 150

Aesthetics and the Work of Art  by Arthur C Danto

Discussion Leaders – Stephanie K. & Thor L.

POV 5b  (for conversation on Wednesday 4/29/15) / pg. 154

Design and Environment or How Political Economy Escalates into Cyberblitz by Jean Baudrillard

Discussion Leaders – Taylor W. & Chris L.


POV 5 Outline & Essay – Monday 5/4/15

References from class

POV 3b reading

‘Wicked Problems in Design Thinking’

extracted from  Design Issues 8, no. 2, 1992

by Richard Buchanan

Extra Credit Opportunities (1000 word essay for 5pts, unless otherwise noted)

  1. Is Humanitarian Design the New Imperialism? by Bruce Nussbaum & Are Humanitarian Designers Imperialists? Project H Responds by Emily Pilloton
  2. Interliminal Design: Mitigating Cognitive Bias and Design Distortion by Andrew McCollough, PhD , DeAunne Denmark, MD, PhD, and Don Harker, MS
  3. Design for the Real World by Victor Papanek (one-two sections for 5pts)

References from class

POV 3a reading

‘Success and Failure in Design’

extracted from  Success through Failure: The Paradox of Design

by Henry Petroski


  • TED talk Paper beats plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore – Leyla Acaroglu
  • tidystreet.org – Residents of a Brighton street are taking part in a project to monitor daily energy use  (article on the guardian)







References from class

POV 2b reading

‘Defining the Object of Study’

extracted from Design History and the History of Design

by John Walker



  • Murray Moss owner of the store “Moss” in NYC open from 1994-2012




  • Various links mentioned in class





  • Murals & Graffiti

Portland murals mentioned in class (NW Washington St between 11th and 12th)



Tall Woman Mural Street Art



All readings are from Design Studies a Reader / Section Two: Design Thinking

POV 3a  (for conversation on Monday 4/13/15)

Success and Failure in Design  by Henry Petroski / #12, pg. 89

POV 3b  (for conversation on Wednesday 4/15/15)

Wicked Problems in Design Thinking  by Richard Buchanan / #13, pg.96



POV 3 Outline & Essay – Monday 4/20/15

References from class

POV 2a reading

‘Design, Designers and the Literature of Design’

extracted from Objects of Desire: Design and Society since 1750-1980 

by Adrian Forty


    • Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson

  • 7 basic plots as remembered from second grade by IPL volunteer librarian Jessamyn West:
    1. [wo]man vs. nature
    2. [wo]man vs. [wo]man
    3. [wo]man vs. the environment
    4. [wo]man vs. machines/technology
    5. [wo]man vs. the supernatural
    6. [wo]man vs. self
    7. [wo]man vs. god/religion
  • Jupiter Ascending  Directors:  Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski