Food for thought….
written by Kevin Ashton who coined “The Internet of Things”
Food for thought….
written by Kevin Ashton who coined “The Internet of Things”
All readings can be found in Design Studies A Reader Section Three: Theorizing Design and Visuality
POV 5a (for conversation on Monday 4/27/15) / pg. 150
Aesthetics and the Work of Art by Arthur C Danto
Discussion Leaders – Stephanie K. & Thor L.
POV 5b (for conversation on Wednesday 4/29/15) / pg. 154
Design and Environment or How Political Economy Escalates into Cyberblitz by Jean Baudrillard
Discussion Leaders – Taylor W. & Chris L.
POV 5 Outline & Essay – Monday 5/4/15
All readings can be found online
POV 4a (for conversation on Monday 4/20/15)
Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows
POV 4b (for conversation on Wednesday 4/22/15)
Designing Systems at Scale by Fred Dust and Ilya Prokopoff
POV 4 Outline & Essay – Monday 4/27/15
POV 3b reading
‘Wicked Problems in Design Thinking’
extracted from Design Issues 8, no. 2, 1992
by Richard Buchanan
Extra Credit Opportunities (1000 word essay for 5pts, unless otherwise noted)
POV 3a reading
‘Success and Failure in Design’
extracted from Success through Failure: The Paradox of Design
by Henry Petroski
POV 2b reading
‘Defining the Object of Study’
extracted from Design History and the History of Design
by John Walker
Portland murals mentioned in class (NW Washington St between 11th and 12th)
All readings are from Design Studies a Reader / Section Two: Design Thinking
POV 3a (for conversation on Monday 4/13/15)
Success and Failure in Design by Henry Petroski / #12, pg. 89
POV 3b (for conversation on Wednesday 4/15/15)
Wicked Problems in Design Thinking by Richard Buchanan / #13, pg.96
POV 3 Outline & Essay – Monday 4/20/15
POV 2a reading
‘Design, Designers and the Literature of Design’
extracted from Objects of Desire: Design and Society since 1750-1980
by Adrian Forty
We will be meeting in rm 152 (right next door) on the following dates
4/15, 4/22 and 5/20