Citizen Architect: Samuel Mockbee and the Spirit of the Rural Studio is a documentary film on the late architect Samuel Mockbee and the radical educational design/build program known as the Rural Studio.
Sam Wainwright Douglas (Director)
*avaliable on my course shelf in the UO PDX library ( I am in the process of getting the go ahead for you all to watch it in the Digital Arts theater room)
Discussion Leaders: Mica R. & Perrin W.
I found an article on a firm that highly related to the mockabee discussion this week. Both are two men i’ve come across in school/volunteer. Amazing practices/people
and one more
This is great! the TYIN website has even a tab for downloads, it includes sketches, sketchup models, pictures…. A great start for open source architecture.
This is the clip about the German fashion designer/ microbiologist who created textile from expired milk.