Who Are You?

A key part of this book is the concept of identity, especially how it affects our lives and how others see us. Please introduce yourself with your name, a major (if you have one or are thinking about one), and tell us a little bit about your identity. What perspectives will you bring to the Honors College?

26 responses

  1. Hello there! My name is Maya Auld and I’m looking forward to majoring in pre-Family and human services with a minor in special education. To me, I’d like to see my generation work towards fair treatment of women and safer home lifes.

  2. Hello! I’m Rachel Peri: English major, queer woman, poet and writer, juggler, and avid musical theater/regular theater fan. I hope that I’ll be able to bring along perspectives from the lgbtqia+ community, the theater world, and my lived experiences (travel, juggling festivals, and what have you).

  3. Hi, I’m Laura Reich, and I’m majoring in Biology. In many ways, I see myself as a leader. While I was still in high school, I thoroughly enjoyed leading and teaching others in my band program. For me, being a leader wasn’t just about telling others what to do. I enjoyed using unconventional humor and unfiltered passion to create a caring, unique community. Being a leader gave me pride in who I am and the community I belonged to. With this in mind, I hope to be a part of a community in the Honors College that is even more supportive and diverse.

  4. Hey there – I’m Katie Coy. I plan on double majoring in psychology and political science with an aim to someday work in the criminal justice system. As far as identity goes, I’m made up of my passions and experiences, both healthy and otherwise. Based on my own experiences with mental illness and an overall fascination with the human brain, I am a firm believer in advocating for mental health awareness. Despite my own personal biases (my liberal beliefs) privileges (growing up in a upper middle class family) and struggles (identifying as queer, dealing with depression throughout high school), I maintain an open mind and am eager to hear other perspectives. Can’t wait!

  5. Hey there! I’m Momo Wilms-Crowe. I am going into CHC undeclared, but am considering International Studies, Political Science, and Sociology as possible majors! I have always been passionate about the possibility of change and see myself as a realistic optimist. I have had the incredibly lucky opportunity to travel quite a lot throughout my childhood (half my family is from and lives in Germany), so I like to think that I have an nuanced perspective on issues I am passionate about in America and beyond. With that in mind, I am also desperately curious, so I cannot wait to question my beliefs and be exposed to new ideas.

  6. Hi, my name is Laura Grigorieff, and I’m planning to major in journalism and cinema studies. I’m just a girl from the suburbs with hopes of becoming a fancy screenwriter who dates a lot of celebrities (it’s healthy to have goals in life). I’m a massive fan of reality TV, movies, and late night talk shows. Pretty much anything that wastes my time.
    I’ve also always dreamed of writing for Saturday Night Live, so I’m praying I become funny sometime soon.
    As far as perspective goes, mine is somewhat limited. I’ve always lived in a rural-ish community, and small-town thinking has unintentionally been ingrained into me. However, I like to tell myself that I’m open-minded. I want to hear new perspectives and meet new people. I’m just trying to figure out what’s true.

  7. Hello- My name is Adeline (Adie) Fecker. I intend to major in Psychology, then continue onto medical school. In my high school career I was heavily involved in drama both professionally and in school. My favorite experience was playing Rizzo in Grease! Writing and traveling are my two great passions- they keep me grounded. My background gives me a unique perspective of the world. I was adopted from China and grew up in a white neighborhood, very estranged from my heritage. I was able to connect to it by studying the Chinese language, at the same time I acknowledge the distinction that comes with being adopted. I am keenly aware of my role as a person of color and as a woman in this society. I hope to continue exploring my identity, and discover how it fits into the UO honors community. I look forward to meeting you all!

  8. Hi there, I’m Marelie Vorster, and I will be majoring in Political Science with aspirations in environmental law and possibly politics.
    When I was eight years old my family immigrated to the United States from South Africa. The move was prompted largely by increasing violence and crime within South Africa and the incredible opportunities that moving to the US would provide. South Africa and the United States have histories that largely parallel each other, with the exception of recent history and I find that shift fascinating.
    I think I bring an interesting perspective to the CHC. I look forward to having my world view challenged and the personal growth that will follow.

  9. Hi! My name is Bailey Reid, and I am currently undeclared in my major, however I am thinking about studying psychology or business. I’m not really sure what new perspectives I can bring, but I hope to bring some from my lived experiences such as traveling. I’m excited to meet everyone and learn about new perspectives and ideas in the honors college.

  10. Hi, my name is Ally. I’m planning on majoring in Asian Studies and minoring in Korean. I’m also considering adding a second major in Japanese or Conservation Ecology, or pursuing a JD in Environmental Law.

    My passions are learning culture through the lives of its people, seeing the light in people’s eyes when talking in their own language about something they love, and talking to and understanding someone who I never would have had the opportunity to know had I not learned the language. My love of the outdoors and wildlife ecology stems from spending every summer backpacking and mountain climbing in the Pacific Northwest. I took a year off before college to study Korean in South Korea while attending a high school as a youth ambassador. I had the time of my life interacting with and becoming friends with my classmates and learning about what drives their hopes, dreams, passions and ambitions. Since I was at an all-girls’ school, I became particularly interested in the challenges of the society they will soon enter as adults and how being women will affect their experiences. This past year shook me to my core and I wouldn’t trade the time I spent there for anything.

  11. My name is Madi Scott, and I am pursuing a B.S. in Biochemistry. A career in medicine remains my long-term goal because my life exists as a vessel to help others through science and analysis.

    Though my worldview may appear unpopular to most (especially in a university setting), my life is grounded in the Christian faith and dedicated to loving other people. Exercising myself academically, physically, and socially to promote wellness in my own life–as well as in the lives of those around me–continues to serve as my priority. I want to give my best to everything I take part in, and hope to inspire others to do the same.

  12. Hello everyone! My name is Makenna and I’m planning on majoring in chemistry. In the context of Honors College discussions, I believe one of the most noteworthy aspects of my identity revolves around where I grew up. I’m from Deadwood, which is a rural town about an hour west of Eugene (the nearest city). To give a little bit more perspective: my graduating class size was 18. This being the case, topics that involve rural communities and opportunities for their residents are of particular interest to me. The small-town experiences and perspectives I possess, however, will no doubt be valuable in any discussion. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and experiencing the new things that await me in Eugene!

  13. Hey everyone, my name is Sydney Cannady and I’m planning to double major in psychology and theatre arts. I’m an asexual biromantic. I’ve gone to Catholic school my while life, but I don’t consider myself to be part of the faith anymore. My dream is to become a director in big show business. I have always had a passion for theatre; I would even go we far as to say that it saved my life. I have always wanted to share my passion with other, to teach them the techniques that have been taught to me for all the years I’ve put into the field. My greatest inspiration is Lin-Manuel Miranda. I want to change the world through art and interpretation. I want to inspire the generation that proceeds us to continue to change our world for the better. I see no greater way to do that than through my greatest passion.

  14. Hi!
    My name is Megan Lonhart and I am planning on majoring in Biology and minoring in Spanish. I hope to become fluent in the Spanish language and to pursue a career in the medical field, specifically working with children. I believe that studying language as well as the culture and history of that language can create a mutual understanding between those who study the language and those who live it. Additionally, I believe that fear stems partially from ignorance, and to educate oneself allows that fear to disappear and for unity to grow. My mom is a middle school principal and is fluent in Spanish. I see that she creates a more unified school district through her understanding and ability to help Latino students. I believe that unification comes from understanding, which is why I am interested in studying the Spanish language, culture and history.

  15. Hello Everyone, my name is Lindsay Dreyer, and I am currently planning to major in Dance and Linguistics! My pre-college education was somewhat eclectic, beginning at a small private school that devoted itself to languages, moving to a private christian school, finally spending the last six years at an arts school. With such a diverse group of peers, I encountered a variety of opinions and perspectives on both social and political issues. I am excited to bring these experiences to my discussions both inside and outside the classroom. My greatest passion is for the arts and all of their applications, so I cannot wait to explore this passion (and the passions of others) through the Clark Honors College.

  16. Hi, I’m Ilana, a vegan Cinema Studies major, feminist, singer-songwriter, yogi and music/sketch comedy fanatic from California. I like to identify myself as Ashkenazi Jewish and Eastern European. As a future filmmaker/screenwriter, it’s my goal to raise awareness of social justice issues, diversify the film industry and represent multicultural perspectives in my projects. I hope to bring my background and previous experiences to the table, as well as listen to others with an open mind. I’m very excited to meet everyone and am looking forward to discussing Between the World and Me in person!

  17. Hello all! My name is Natalie Clifton. I am currently undeclared; however, I am leaning towards a major in Computer Science with a minor in Photography. I see myself as someone who is willing to take risks and push everything I can to the limits. My passions include music, photography, and car racing. At this point in time, I feel as though my perspectives are somewhat limited; however, I am extremely open-minded. I have gone to a small private school in Texas my entire life, and don’t know much outside of my hometown. I look forward to offering insight into the problems I see within my community, and am excited to hear other student’s experiences and thoughts. I feel as though the Clark Honors College has offered me the perfect opportunity to broaden my horizons and allow me to see other perspectives I might have never even considered.

  18. Hello, my name is James Edson and though I am currently undeclared, I hope to major in a science or computer science. I grew up in a small college town in Southern Oregon (Ashland) where it’s practically impossible to go out in public without saying “hi” to someone you know. Although this sense of community has been really great for my upbringing, I look forward to learning and growing in such a diverse and populous student body. I love photography/movie making, playing music, and sports.

  19. Hi, my name is Sierra Kizzier and I am planning on majoring in Biology and minoring in French. I am hoping to one day become a doctor, although I’m not sure on the exact type yet. I think that I can bring an open mind and sense of compassion and empathy to the Honors College community. I have a passion for languages and learning about other cultures and am looking forward to broadening my world view throughout college not only in my classes, but through my interactions with my peers.

  20. Hi Everyone! My name is Beatrix Ngia and I am an Architecture/Interior Architecture major as of right now, but I am also really interested in human physiology and psychology. Growing up, I have moved around a lot and have been able to experience the world from the perspective of different countries. I hope to be able to educate others about different cultures and bring something unique to the Honors College. I am looking forward to all that CHC can teach me and to meeting everybody!

  21. Hi, my name is Bethan Tyler. I plan to major in Romance languages (Spanish and French), and also have interests in international studies and chemistry. I’m passionate about language (writing, reading, and foreign language), music, social justice, and fashion. I am a permanent resident of the United States, and a citizen of the United Kingdom, having spent the first five years of my life growing up in my family’s native countries of England and Wales. My bicultural experience has shaped my life a great deal, and I hope that I can bring the knowledge I have gleaned from contrasting my two homes to the table.

  22. Hello, my name is Katrina Schmidt and I will be majoring in Biology with maybe a minor in Psychology. After I am done at the UO, I plan to continue on to medical school hopefully at OHSU and become a Psychiatrist. I then want to work either with children, those in the military and veterans or just start my own general practice. Besides these I also really enjoy the social sciences. I spent two months of this summer in Germany and Italy which was an awesome experience. I am going back again for Christmas break and cannot wait. I grew up in a small town here in Oregon and I am kind of happy and disappointed that I am so close to home. I am excited to start classes in a few weeks and see you all there!

  23. Hello, I’m Kayla Davis. I am majoring in Communication Disorders and Sciences and plan to minor in Special Education, and ultimately, my goal is to become a speech pathologist. I am a singer, pianist, (beginner) cellist, writer, and queer woman with a passion for helping others. I was born and raised in a medium-sized Oregon town with a pretty large high school. This year I will be a conversation partner for the university’s American English Institute, and will be working with international students who are learning English. I love learning about cultures other than my own. During the summers I work at Camp Yakety Yak, which is a day camp for children with special needs. It is one of my favorite places to be.

  24. Hi readers! My name is Caitlin Scott. I am currently a pre-international studies major. I also have interests in Spanish and non-profit management. I have lived all my life in the suburb of Tigard, Oregon outside of Portland. I am an oldest child and I have attended private Catholic schools all my life. Being an oldest child has made me more anxious as I am the trail breaker for everything, including this whole college thing. However, I also believe I have matured into a better leader through guiding my younger sister. Additionally, while I have an amazing sense of community and love from my schools, I have grown accustomed to being surrounded by more people who share my sense of faith than is normally proportional. Last summer I lived in Spain for 3 weeks on an exchange trip, an amazing experience that made me appreciate my own independence as well as the beauty and apparent strangeness of different cultures. Additionally, last fall I traveled to Washington D.C. to advocate to a congressional representative about human rights abuses in Central America and how our government can help. This experience really opened my eyes to our power in our government and the amount of injustice that needs to be combatted in our world. Finally, I spent this past summer working at a summer day camp for 5 to 8 year olds. I absolutely love working with kids and I believe I gained a lot of problem solving skills and patience from 11 weeks negotiating snack time and field trips.

  25. Hello, my name is Harriet Dilly. I plan to major in Biology and perhaps add Biochemistry as either a minor or second major. After moving to the United States as a three month old, I identify more as an American than British. I am an adventurer, certified Rescue Scuba Diver, athlete, traveller, and a gay woman. I hope to bring a certain tenacity to the Honors College that will push my peers and my own understanding of topics and to consider the view points of others that we may not otherwise take into account.

  26. Hello!
    My name is Emily Niebergall and I am currently a Biochemistry major. Although I love understanding how the human body and Earth work on a molecular level, I also have a huge passion for musical theater! A unique perspective that I will be able to bring to the Clark Honors College stems from my experiences in orphanages and impoverished areas is Aizawl, India. My international travels have granted me an appreciation for culture and allow me to have a personal connection with many global issues. Finally, I have a love for hearing the stories of all sorts of people. This love branches from my love for telling stories through theater, but I have always been intrigued by the diversity of people’s circumstances and what they have experienced. I hope to meet a diverse group of students in the Honors College so that I may continue to be amazed by the stories of others. I am thrilled to expand my knowledge of the world through the CHC and I can not wait to begin!

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