CRN                COURSE                               INSTRUCTOR

38509   AAD 252   Art & Gender WEB    Voelker-Morris, Julie

32665   AAD 252   Art & Gender              Voelker-Morris, Julie

Addresses sociocultural factors influencing roles of women and men in arts disciplines. Examines underlying social structures that affect how we define art and artists. Rutherford.

33453 ASIA 410 Culture, Religion and New Media in South Asia

Instructor: Loan, Nadia

How has new media shaped the cultural and religious expression and practices in South Asia? Drawing upon a range of popular media forms and technologies such as print, television, audio-cassettes, photographs and film, this course explores the processes through which media technologies are appropriated and integrated into religious practice and social life.

39484   ART 408   Wrk Drawing Comics         Baggs, Steven

Open to all majors.  Have you ever wanted to learn to draw comics?  Spring Break could be your chance!  You can also earn two credits for taking it!  Our comic projects will be based on personal experiences and the historical evolution of sequential art will be introduced.  No drawing experience is needed.

38994   COLT 370   Comparative Comics     Gilroy, Andrea

38995   COLT 370   Comparative Comics     Gilroy, Andrea

From the patriotic adventures of the “heroes” of World War II to achingly personal stories of children growing up in the shadow of conflict, some of the world’s most powerful narratives come from the experience of war. In “Conflict in Images: Comics and War” we will explore the way cultures aestheticize violence and examine the tension between historical accounts and individual experience. What are the lasting effects of war on cultures? On individuals? How do these stories change with historical distance? How do gender and race affect these narratives? This course will ask these questions with a focus on the visual aspect of graphic narrative, especially as it relates to the way the visual/verbal tension in comics further complicates these stories.

39690   ENG 280   Introduction to Comics       Vold, Veronica

This class is conceived as an introduction to the art of comics, and to the methodologies of the new academic discipline of Comics Studies. Course content will vary from term to term, according to the specialist interests of the individual instructor, within the following parameters. Students will be exposed to a spectrum of comic-art forms (i.e.,at a minimum, three of the following archetypal forms: the gag cartoon, the editorial cartoon, the newspaper strip, the comic book, the graphic novel, the webcomic.) Students will be exposed to a historical range of comic texts, ranging from (at least) the early 1900s to the present. Students will be required to read several professional critical or theoretical essays over the course of the term alongside the primary materials the instructor of record assigns. These essays will be drawn relevant academic peer-reviewed sources. Scott McCloud’s influential book, Understanding Comics, will be required reading for all versions of the class.

34710   ENG 480   Modern Amer Superhero      Saunders, Benjamin

In this class we will map the path of the American comic book superhero and explore the ways in which that journey reflects larger processes of social change. We will consider these superheroes not only as expressions of an ancient mythic heroic tradition, but also as distinctly “modern” creations, whose origins and adventures reflect the tumultuous epistemic and political transformations of the 20th century. We will also analyze several key examples of this popular comic-book genre in aesthetic terms, regarding them as expressions of a misunderstood and under-appreciated art form, as uniquely American as Jazz. Together we will try to formulate a critical vocabulary to discuss this remarkable artistic legacy. Finally, we will make an effort to understand better the ongoing imaginative appeal of the costumed crime-fighter — an appeal that can apparently overlap significant distinctions of age, gender, nation, and culture, and which no amount of silliness or cynicism seems quite able to dispel.

38862   RL 407   Sem War/French Comics        Moore, Fabienne

Recent topics include French Novel and World War II, Writers and Painters, Medievalism, Francophone Caribbean, Gide and Sartre.