Distraction Blog 10: Friends

My finals week consists of three big finals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then the final paper for this class due Thursday.  Needless to say, my life for the past week and the week to come have been and are going to be extremely stressful.  I’ve been waking up at 6 almost every morning to try and study, do homework, and just get my life together as a whole.  I’ve been attempting to lock myself in the library, but its become more challenging to get out the door when all my friends are off doing more desirable things.  Most of them don’t have finals, only have projects, or don’t have a lot of studying to do overall.

I get distracted because I know that if I don’t take breaks I will run myself into the ground, but these breaks have turned out to be longer than desired.  I also don’t want to miss out on anything and want to partake in all these fun activities.  However, I chose a more challenging major and need to come to terms with the fact that I’m not going to get to do everything and I can’t keep putting things off because I will come to regret it later.

Since I realized that I’m allowing myself to become too distracted during crunch time, I’ve outlined the rest of the term.  The outline is a list of different tasks, subjects, or parts of my studies that I want to get done each day.  While I still will wake up early and get the bulk of it done, I’m going to force myself to complete them before I commit to an adventure or go hang out with friends because I know I won’t be productive when I’m tired right before I go to bed.

One thought on “Distraction Blog 10: Friends”

  1. I’m in the same boat! It’s awful seeing everyone having a great time and I’m extremely stressed. I understand everyone has different things going on and some more difficult than others, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It also isn’t the greatest when you study the same amount or even more than some people and they come out with the better grade. That’s just me venting though :/

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