Day 4 | Understanding Privilege
Understanding and engaging in self-reflection and discussions about privilege is an essential step to addressing individual and systemic inequities in our society. We must be aware of and honest about our personal perspectives and how these may or may not contribute to biases that in turn may contribute, even unintentionally, to prejudice, inequity, isolation, poverty, and violence.
National Association of School Psychologists. (2016). Understanding Race and Privilege [handout]. Bethesda, MD: Author
Today: Do one or more of the following:
READ “Americans don’t see me, or Ahmaud Arbery, running down the road—they see their fear.” written by Ibram X Kendi, Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. This piece articulates the relationship between Black people and American perceptions of them.
WATCH this short, powerful Buzzfeed video titled What Is Privilege featuring a privilege walk. See how privilege shows up differently for this group of co-workers. (3:59)
WATCH Recently comedian Chelsea Handler made a documentary on Netflix called, Hello Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea, where she explored the idea of white privilege. Watch this 2-part interview with her on The View (Part 1, Part 2) to hear more about how and why she decided to produce this powerful documentary. (Part 1- 4:35, Part 2 – 4:38)
Looking for something else? Consider one of the following resources instead:
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person
Don’t forget to log your activities!