Day 14 | Education
“As a classroom community, our capacity to generate excitement is deeply affected by our interest in one another, in hearing one another’s voices, in recognizing one another’s presence.”- Bell Hooks –
Today: Do one or more of the following:
WATCH How America’s Public Schools Keep Kids in Poverty, a TED Talk with Kandice Sumner. “We sit and we keep banging our heads against this term —’achievement gap’…I think we, as Gloria Ladson-Billings says, should flip our paradigm and our language and call it what it really is. It’s not an achievement gap; it’s an education debt, for all of the foregone schooling resources that were never invested in the education of the Black and Brown child over time.” (13:42)
LISTEN During this time when students and teachers must adapt to distance learning, it’s especially important to prepare students to be independent learners. Find out more by listening to Apollo 13’ing it with Zaretta Hammond, an episode of Vrain Waves: Teaching Conversations with Minds Shaping Education. Zaretta Hammond, author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, explores the importance of independent learning, along with what relationship-building really means and how educators can be more effective collaborating with families. (Full episode with introduction is 49:05 or start with her interview at 6:10.)
ACTION Whether you’re an educator or not, find some helpful ideas in How to Be an Antiracist Educator, by Dena Simmons.
IF YOU CAN read The Black Male Teacher Experience, by Willie Williams, Jr., a book that details the life of a Black male teacher who is not only trying to educate and make a better life for the students around him, but is also attempting to remain true to who he is.
Looking for something else? Consider one of the following resources instead:
Harvard Historian Examines How Textbooks Taught White Supremacy
The Weaponization of Whiteness in Schools
On Point Radio – Oklahoma To Incorporate 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Into Statewide School Curriculum
CBS News Analysis: Students May Be Miseducation About Black History,
Don’t forget to log your activities!