Day 11 | How Does Race Affect Your Health

Does your doctor make small talk?

Today: Do one or more of the following:

EXPLORE some of the content in Unnatural Causes read transcripts, watch trailers, and learn how much more there is to our health than bad habits and genes.

LISTEN to Black Voices in Healthcare over 200 Black healthcare workers from across the country signed up to participate in this project, which aired for ten weeks from June through September 2020. The series highlighted stories of racism in the workplace, as well as stories of Black joy, Black love, and Black excellence.

REVIEW one of the many studies emerging from the growing body of research at the intersection of race and health


Need something more? For a more extensive review related to this topic consider checking out

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.


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