Teenagers Who Miscarry At High-Risk For Self-Harm

A woman looks at a teenager who is staring off screen

A study has found that teenagers who experience a miscarriage are at risk for self-harm. Teenage pregnancy is something that a lot of people take seriously, and while it is commonly seen as a surprise, it can be a lot to take. It can impact the mental health of the teenager, and it can be seen as a “burden” by the rest of the family. However, teenagers are still at risk for miscarriage and pregnancy loss, and anyone who has experienced this knows how difficult it can be. Studies are always being done to see how this can impact a teenager, and this can be helpful information for a parent who finds her teenager in this situation.

The article features a study by University of Oregon faculty Camille Cioffi, PhD, Maria Schweer-Collins, PhD, and Leslie Leve, PhD.

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