How Women Billionaires Are Changing The Face Of Early Childhood Education And Care – And Philanthropy

3 babies on a pink background

Even where donor dollars have gone to education, money has tended to go to K-12 or higher education. According to a study by Grantmakers for Education, only 4% of education grant dollars were going to early care and education in 2019. The same applies to education technology funding, with only 6% edtech funding going to early childhood education and care.

Connie Ballmer, Jackie Bezos, Susie Buffett, Priscilla Chan, Melinda French Gates, Lisa Mennet, Pam Omidyar, Signe Ostby, Laura Overdeck, Liz Simons, to name a few, are all supporting early childhood education and care. They are pushing the boundaries of philanthropy to transform the face of early childhood education and care.

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