Ballmer Institute leader looks ahead to the project’s next steps

A teacher in front of a classroom with a few students raising hands

While The Ballmer Institute for Children’s Behavioral Health at the University of Oregon took a big step forward with the recent approval of the purchase of the institute’s future site, other details are beginning to take shape.

Randy Kamphaus, acting executive director for the Ballmer Institute and most recently the dean of the UO College of Education, said the institute will be at the forefront in addressing an issue that has worsened and become more apparent over the past two years.

One comment on “Ballmer Institute leader looks ahead to the project’s next steps

  1. I live in Portland and I am thrilled about this concept. I have been an educator all my life and interested in educational research. I hope you will think about offering volunteer possibilities for people like me who have great interest and, I believe, helpful backgrounds. We need this.

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