Three ADPI students addressed issues of identity, ADPI Heritage month, community at the UO, and more.
Life at the UO
As a first-generation, Pacific-Islander student, I definitely feel very advocated for by the UO staff, especially during these trying times. I’m a Pathway Oregon Scholar, and I also joined the Multicultural ARC. From those programs, I am provided advisors who I meet with at least once or twice a month online through Zoom. Each time, they show a genuine desire for my success and are very encouraging and guiding of the path I take as a UO student. Along with that, I’m also a part of USO, a club for ADPI students led by ADPI staff, where we join together once a week through Zoom, talk story, have fun, and bring comfort to each other in our relations as ADPI students and staff through our academic journey. Within each of these meetings, I’m provided a safe, open space to vent about our common experiences, whether that be the challenges faced as Pacific-Islander students, or the financial/home/academic struggles faced during this pandemic.
– Asia Petrus
Family and Human Services