2016/2015/ 2014/ 2013/ 2012/ 2011/ 2010
Spring ACS: American Chemical Society
“COAChing Strong Women in the Art of Strategic Performance”
San Francisco, April 1, 2017
Marriott Union Square
Fall ACS: American Chemical Society
“COAChing Strong Women in Negotiation and Leadership”
“COACh-the-COAChes Training”
“Career Launch and Acceleration for Postdoctoral Associates”
August 18, 2017 Washington, DC
Renaissance Hotel Downtown
National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCCChE)
“COACh: Professional Skills Training for Minority Graduate Students”
“COACh: Negotiations, Communications and Leadership Workshop”
October 29-30, 2017, Minneapolis, MN
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
“COAChing Strong Faculty in the Art of Strategic Persuasion”
“Professional Skills Training for Minority Graduate Students and Postdocs”
October 18, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT