Career Building Activities and Visitations
June 2013 – Nairobi, Kenya
COACh Workshops at Kenyatta University and Visitations to Local High School
“Publishing in Peer Reviewed Journals”
“Career Launch and Acceleration”
“The Art of Effective Negotiation”
“Selling Your Science: The Art of Effective Proposal Writing”
“Persuasive Scientific Presentations”
“Empowering Women and Men to be Effective Leaders in Science and Technology”
Given by COACh Members:
Prof. Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
Prof. Clare Muhoro, Towson University
Prof. Mary Wirth, Purdue University
Prof. Supapan Seraphin, Univ. of Arizona
Prof. Teresa Dahlberg, UNC-Charlotte
January 2013 – Nairobi, Kenya
Visits to discuss research collaborations and interests in bringing COACh programs to Kenya.
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Kenyatta University
University of Nairobi – Women in Science and Engineering Group
iCOACh project leaders:
Prof. Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
Prof. Clare Muhoro, Towson University