Artifact: Remix Collage
- Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.
- Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”
- Examine your own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.
- Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity. One of my favorite remixes in music!
A cover that brings into question copyright
Original Artifact:
Key Words Included
*Storm Clouds
This unit was a very relevant one in todays culture and I really appreciated getting to look deeper into the issue! The article by Lessig brings up a lot of good points that I find to be informative on all sorts of levels. The first thing that I looked at was the debate on copywriting and what effect it has on society. I personally think copywriting is a beneficial practice that drives the desire of innovation. We live in a capitalist society where many people are driven by money. The idea of copywriting a design that can sell for a log of money will definitely drive people. On the other hand, it can kill innovation. I would like to take Uber as an example. This is an app that is basically taking away the need for cab drivers. Should governments protect the cab drivers, or agree that change is good and allow companies like Uber and Lyft to continue operating? My opinion is that if we do not allow these types of technology, we are holding back innovation as well as the well being of our society! Through the reading, the idea of “remix culture” as well as “fifth world” became clear to me. Both of these things are happening at this moment and it is hard to guess where it is going.
This chapter also forced me to look into the concept of real and fake and where the line is drawn. With so many things using past technology, does a remix of something make it new or just a fake version of the original? That is something this chapter brings up and makes us think about. I would like to look at music in particular and voice my opinion on some of the things that are happening in that industry. I fully support remixes and think that they are great ways to fuse different genres (kind of like Fusion food). However, I think that if you enjoy a remix it is crucial that you at least listen to the original. The remixer must have enjoyed it to continue sampling it, so give it a try and give some credit to the original artist
While this chapter was eye opening and creative, I feel that I struggled with the collage. I could not understand the software as much as I would have liked, however I do feel that I learned all of the desired objectives in this chapter, and then some!
Going Forward:
First off I would like to thank you for going through the time to look through my portfolio! I spent a lot of time on both the artifacts and putting this together and am proud of my work. While I was always interested in art, this class taught me so much more about the meaning and ideals of art than I could have hoped. The class was both fun, informative, and complex. I had many internal debates about some of the subject matter and am still viewing some tough hitting questions (Is food art???? Please someone tell me!!!). To the teacher, thank you for putting together this class online and taking the time to go through all of our work. To other students reading, I hope that you enjoyed my thoughts and learned something useful. Until next time
Artifact #1: Values
Artifact #2: What is art for?
Artifact #3: Food as art
Artifact #4: Adornment
Artifact #5: Horror
Artifact #6: Creative Spirituality
Artifact #7: Technology
Artifact #8: Remix