Key Words Included
*Storm Clouds
as you can see, when i thought of art I went towards natures! Couldn’t quite master Picaso as well as I would have liked.
August 9, 2014 by
Key Words Included
*Storm Clouds
as you can see, when i thought of art I went towards natures! Couldn’t quite master Picaso as well as I would have liked.
Category Assignments, Unit 09 | Tags: | No Comments
August 6, 2014 by
The discussion and debate about the value of “remixes” in music is a relevant one amount my friends and I. Lessig brought up many good points and I tend to agree with his belief that remixes can and sometimes are better than the original. One of the most humorous points is when he states, “the discussion will be over in ten or twenty years. As the boomers die out and they get over themselves by dying, the generation that follows…just doesn’t care about this discussion” (97). While I find this statement to be relatively funny (and sadly somewhat true) a couple questions came to mind that refute this generalization. The rise of hipster culture in the United States and the rest of the world is bringing back the old and the “original” so to speak. Do you think that such a debate will die out with an older generation, or is it more cyclical and the debate will be brought back up but this time with the younger ones arguing in favor of the classics? Is the use of remixes just a generation acting out against the older, with the reverse to follow as this generation matures?
Category Assignments, Unit 09 | Tags: | 3 Comments