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‘Unit 05’ Category

  1. Horror Essay

    August 3, 2014 by

    This article talks about how horror films may have a subliminal message behind them and try to preach morality. It uses examples in a plethora of movies where the sinners die before everyone else. The article also states that this can also be looked at in science fiction and fantasy movies. The over arching thesis of the paper states that in every horror movie, the good person who follows obvious morals ends up still alive and the jock or drug user ends up dead or worse. Another example they bring up is curiosity, showing that those the most eager to go out and see something usually end up dead. It concludes by saying that people who see horror may do it for a taste of morality.

    While this article does not directly relate to the effects we learned about in the reading, I think it has a lot to do with the topic of what attracts audiences to horror. In our class reading, Carroll states that what creates pleasure to the viewer is “not the tragic event in itself that impacts pleasure, but rather, the way it is worked into the plot” (277). This is a very enlightening idea that I think to be partially correct. No one wants to see blood and gore, but if done masterfully, pleasing many viewers. Dawson takes another approach, hinting that people enjoy horror for “messages and warning about sensitive or recent subjects without directly commenting on those subjects” (2). This idea, much like Carroll’s is a hypothesis to why horror is so well perceived by people and audiences. Personally, I tend to side with Carroll on this argument. The appeasing part of these movies, the stuff that make people sit on the edge of their seats, isn’t the message behind the story, but the art in making such a situation. While Carroll’s point is more reasonable, I find Dawson’s to be more original. I never for one second thought of a horror film to be a metaphor for sinning and doing wrong. But now that I am thinking about it, pretty much every horror movie that I have seen follows the same plotline when it comes to sex, drugs and violence. As correct as this may be, it is not the reason that people go out to see the film. The reason that they go is to see the events masterfully and artistically animated on the film. Sound and scene, as we discussed on our class website and through our “Buffy” example are extremely important in getting viewers to enjoy the film. They need to be fully invested in the film and a good plot and a good use of sound and image can only do this!


    The second article that I am referencing is by Derbyshire and was posted in the British newspaper DailyMail. The article is very fascinating and has a lot to do with non-diegetic sound and what we learned about in class this last unit. It alludes to research done by many of the top scientists around the world that found out that one of the reasons we may be so afraid of horror movies is the music and sound, and more specifically the fact that it resembles the sounds of frightened animals. It states that we have found out that high pitched sound that shifts very quickly is what stimulates humans’ fright the most, and that “film makers intuitively realize that they can use these types of sounds” (1). The reason that I chose this article is because it is very similar to what we looked at in class, and uses science to talk about the effect instead of emotion, which is what is discussed in class.


    By using the example of Buffy in the first assignment, I got see first hand the importance of non-diegetic sound and the role it plays in horror. Music, especially those of shrill violins and dark pianos, can easily make a horror movie even scarier. Through the class reading and examples, I got a very good background on what non-diegetic sound was and how, if used properly, would have a beneficial effect on the movie. The article that I just read however, goes a little beyond that, and answers “why” this works. It talks about how the shrill sounds are not random and “enhance the emotional impact of the scene”. It also brings up many examples of horror movies with famous sounds that scared the audience. It uses famous music in movies such as Psycho and Jaws as examples where the music was almost scarier than the action going on. The sounds are tapping in “to deep, instinctive fears” that we can do nothing about. Animal sounds that are shrill must have haunted us at some point during the evolution of humans. We are designed to be on alert when we hear such sounds, which is what I think this article is trying to bring up.


    To summarize, this article took a deeper look into why non-diegetic sound makes us so afraid. We can not help but be afraid of some of the chilling music that is played during scenes because it resembles the sounds of terrified animals, something that humans were once afraid of when we still lived in caves. Dramatic and comedy films have a lot less of these sounds changes which make them much more relaxing to the viewer. I thought that this article is one of the most interesting that I have read because it brings a concept that we learned in class and puts some facts and science behind it. We learned about the appeal of this sound, now we know why this effect works so well in creating a sense of uneasiness.


    Derbyshire, D. (n.d.). Ever wondered why the music in horror films scares us? The harsh sounds tap into instinctive fears . Mail Online. Retrieved August 3, 2014, from


    Left Field Cinema. (n.d.). Analysis: Horror Movies as Modern Day Morality Tales – Introduction. Retrieved August 3, 2014, from

  2. My Appearance Essay

    August 2, 2014 by

    I never really spent much time caring about how I dressed or how I presented myself before college. Growing up I would shop with my parents at whatever store was cheapest yet still had clothes that could fit a pretty tall child (generally Ross or TJ Max). I had 0 style between the ages of 6-14. When I went to high school things did not get much better, at least regarding my style. I played on three different sports teams throughout high school and would practically only wear the free clothing that each sports team give to each of their athletes. During fall I would wear my soccer shirts with shorts or jeans. Winter would be basketball shirts and polos with jeans and some sneakers. During fall? You guessed it, some tennis shirts and shorts to match. When I was not wearing clothing with my high school logo on it, I was wearing old t-shirts or a sweater that someone would leave at my house. However, when I got to college I was forced to buy new clothing because I could no longer get away with wearing my high school brand at a school with over twenty thousand people.

    I would describe my current style as a mix between business casual and casual. Generally speaking, in hot weather I will wear a pair of Khaki shorts and a colorful V-neck. Or if it is particularly hot I will wear a tank top and some athletic shorts. When the weather gets colder I will most likely be in a button up shirt with jeans or khaki pants. I wear a nice pair of shoes that are pretty fashionable these days. Aside from clothing my appearance is pretty unoriginal. I do not have any tattoos or piercings, something that I am sure my mother is happy about. I don’t wear any big jewelry besides watches. Watches are the best way that I have to personalize myself without looking to ridiculous in my opinion. Since I am a business major and am involved in many out of school business events, it is important that I look professional and a watch is the most professional piece of jewelry. One thing that I do quite a bit that many of my peers don’t is that I gel my hair practically every day. I have been doing this since middle school and think that I will be doing it for a long time going forward. The reason that I gel my hair is that I am very proud of my European roots. Hair style is very important in France, where I come from, and it is rare to see someone who has long hair not style it in some fashion or another. When my hair is short I will generally put in strong gel and try to make the front up into a point. When my hair gets to be a little longer I will move more towards a mouse and put my hair backwards but still up. While I am sure you are as interested in my hair as I am, we can move to another topic.

    I think that the way I dress shows a lot about the values of my family and the way that I was raised. I was always told growing up to make the best first impression possible and I think that is what I try to portray in the way I look. You won’t see me with a big beard or earrings because these are things that are visible to everyone around me. While I have no problem at all with people who have tattoos and piercings, some people do and I would like to make the best impression possible to everyone. Gelling my hair goes a long way towards preserving my family heritage as well. I love the fact that I am European and want to keep that part of me as close as possible. By styling my hair, part of Europe is always with me and I can show it off to the world.

    The way that I present myself also reflects a good deal whom I hang out with and what my peer group values. Generally speaking, and this is not the case all the time, I hang out with and around business majors at the University of Oregon. As a business major and someone hoping one day to enter the world of business, the way you present yourself is important. It is vary rare to see someone walking around the business school with tie-dye hair and purple jeans for example. It is a lot cleaner cut than the rest of the world. The friends that I hang around are very similar to me in their appearance, which I find to be common no matter what you look like. We all wear button up shirts, nice shoes, and will not accessorize too much. A watch here and there, or a new haircut perhaps, but generally not something more than that. To summarize the point of this essay, I think that the way I dress and present myself is 100 percent due to my family and my friends. I have never really rebelled against the path I am planning on going and it shows. My friends who are in art school dress much differently than I do, but similar to many of their peers and family members. Your appearance is decided on the path you decide to take in life.

    Christian M

  3. Assignment 5

    July 28, 2014 by

    Yesterday, I spent an hour at a coffee shop in Portland doing this activity (seems like Portland is the perfect place to do this). I wrote notes on three individuals who stood out to me as good test subjects so to speak

    The first man that I wanted to write about walked past me pretty quickly but I still got a good image. He was probably around 21 and was wearing black jean shorts and a white V-neck shirt. His shorts were pretty short and he had a gigantic Oregon tattoo on his thigh, so big that I could only see about half. He had curly black hair and small ring piercings in his ear. The assumptions that I want to make is that he is from the Northwest because he has a very casual look to him. He may be unemployed because he was not wearing nice clothes and his image gave off the look of someone who does not work very hard. As for his emotional condition, I feel that he is in a very good state. Portland is a great place for young people who give off a hipster vibe and he fits into that category well

    The next person that I noted was an older female who was rummaging through trash. She had very curly and sporadic hair that was greasy and black. She was not very tall and walked with a noticeable limp. She war what looked to be an extremely warm flannel jacket, even though the temperature was hovering in the 80’s. I feel that her values are extremely different than mine. With my values, I don’t believe that I could ever end up in a position like this. I value security and wealth much more than she does, and I assume she values freedom and individualism the most. By her appearance I assume that her background and childhood must have been somewhat rough because it’s not typical for a lifestyle change that severe without a big incident.

    The last person that I want to write about was a man sitting to my right. He was definitely way different, dressed up in a suit and tie with a briefcase under his chair. He was either talking on his cell phone or using the internet on it for over 30 minutes. I also noticed that he did not have a wedding ring and that he was around 40 years old so I made some assumptions about his values. I think that he is very driven and is influenced by wealth and prestige. Like many in the business community, his appearance and his power are highly valued. One other assumption that I am making is that he enjoys being busy. I am also making the assumption that during his childhood he tried very hard to please those around him and impress them. His conversations on the phone were very animated, even when they seemed personal and not business related.

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