Total Followers |
As of 06/07/2018 |
296 |
60 |
54 |
Social media requires a significant time commitment for building a following. We found that our most liked photos were ones that profiled members of our team and how they personally interacted with nature. We found that personalizing social media accounts is positively correlated with increasing engagement. Of our most liked photos, 75% featured members of our team. Instagram was the most used platform among our demographic. We had an average of 31.5 followers gained each week on Instagram. Each social media platform appealed to a different audience and communicated particular information. While Twitter is for concise information sharing, Instagram is a visual platform for original media. Due to the visual nature of Instagram, we believe this was most effective for communicating climate actions for engaging our demographic. Visual media is more attractive to our demographic because it is more convenient for the audience to see examples rather than to read about them.