Theory and Practice of Myth

Classics 322, University of Oregon

Random thoughts about myth

Filed under: Uncategorized — lcheng at 3:44 am on Wednesday, May 7, 2014

People think myth is a box, which is full of secrets. So what those secrets about? Historical or psychological? Is this like a psychological path of our ancestor or ourselves’? It is vague and complicated way to express. Is myth is people put information into a vague speech consciously or unconsciously? Why? If is conscious, it that for hiding information or it is a way to pass different information to different people? If so, why? Does the complicated form have to have function and meaning? Or the form of speech is the soul rather than context.

Maybe it is a joy to make up stories and to explain the world. When they explain they put the world into an understandable system for away from fear. It may be like a game that people play with the world and play with word, which also is the joy of language. Our ancestors connected natural phenomenon, human behaviors and old story togather, and try to figure out an answer. This is total optimism. It is about truth but it unimportant that whether it is truth. When we think myth is about truth, we miss the spirit of myth, creating and joy. Myth teaches us to play with the world like god. People can think about some important topic like death, life, gods, and so on with pain and fear. However, not everyone can get this point, and not everyone’s story is considered as myth. Someone make magical story and tell it, if many people spread it as a public story, it may become myth. When people spread the myth they also recreate the myth. When Odysseus told his story in the feast and Plato made up his myth in Symposium, they seem pretty aware of the joy.


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