Theory and Practice of Myth

Classics 322, University of Oregon

Herodotus and what happened to the first rug

Filed under: Dreams,PostsFromTheProf,Signs and Symbols — at 7:50 pm on Monday, April 7, 2014

The story from Herodotus I referenced in week 1 is chapter 107 of book 1. “Astyages had a daughter, whom he called Mandane: he dreamed that she urinated so much that she filled his city and flooded all of Asia.  He communicated this vision to those of the Magi who interpreted dreams, and when he […]

Let’s pretend we’re at Yale!

Filed under: Folklore,PostsFromTheProf,Shapeshifters — at 6:39 pm on Sunday, April 6, 2014

A lecture on the short story collection “Lost in the Funhouse”, from which the Menelaiad is taken (lecture 11 in the series if you don’t end up there):

Tam Lin

Filed under: Folklore,PostsFromTheProf,Shapeshifters — at 6:25 pm on Sunday, April 6, 2014

Here’s Anais Mitchell and Jefferson Hamer performing their version of a traditional British ballad about a shape-shifter: They aren’t the first modern folk artists to have a go at this: These are both versions of Child Ballad #39. See also Benjamin Zephaniah and Peter Gabriel’s version. There are in fact hundreds of versions of the […]

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