Theory and Practice of Myth

Classics 322, University of Oregon

Better Myths

Filed under: Uncategorized — dawnevek at 1:38 am on Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I don’t have anything insightful to say that hadn’t already been said in class on Wednesday with the whole myth and ritual discussion, but here’s my contribution to myths:!
If ya’ll go here  you’ll be directed to the category of Greek and Roman myths on a website called BetterMyths by a guy named none-other-than Ovid. He’s hilarious, like me, which is why I like him.
Also because he retells all the important (and not so important myths) in hilarious and straight-to-the-point ways.

For example, this is pretty much the best description of Oedipus ever:

“Because when Oedipus was born the Oracle at Delphi was all like: You know what your son is going to do? kill you and then sex your wife. Basically every prophet in the entire goddamn universe knew this shit was going to go down. So the king did what any greek king does and he stapled Oedipus’s feet together and sent him to the top of a mountain to die, only the guy who was supposed to take him there actually took him to some foster parents instead cause he felt bad. And then Oedipus heard a prophecy that he was gonna kill his dad and rape his mom so he left his foster parents so as not to rape and murder them and just charged STRAIGHT INTO the real rapemurderfest.

So obviously when Oedipus hears about this he gouges out his eyes and then his mom kills herself and everybody is fucking miserable forever despite the fact that all anyone was trying to do was avoid raping each other. The end.

Thanks a lot Oracle.”

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