Theory and Practice of Myth

Classics 322, University of Oregon

Sisyphus and The Big Lebowski

Filed under: Signs and Symbols — memoryk at 5:45 am on Monday, April 14, 2014

I know this is from week 1, but it’s been eating at me. So the more I’ve thought on this, the more I do see similarities between the Dude and Sisyphus. Neither really care. Sisyphus is fine, I dare say happy, with pushing his boulder up the incline. And the Dude, well he just “abides”. Both just “roll” with life. Sisyphus has hi boulder, and the Dude has his bowling ball. And the more I’ve watched the movie, the more I’m starting to think that it’s a movie about nothing in a sense. Like how Walter is always clinging to the past. I feel like it’s a movie about how nothing really meansĀ anything anymore, given our main character’s attitude. And the cowboy. He is like the embodiment of America. He talks like he walked right out of the 1800’s. He is a piece of the past hanging onto the past, and so is Walter. While the Dude, well he’s just the Dude, so he doesn’t care what happens, just as long as he’s working, or at least thinks he’s working, toward getting his rug back. Which he never does. Sisyphus never gets the boulder to the top, the Dude never gets his rug back and he enjoys bowling. A boulder and a bowling ball, both round, both in a sense never ending. A task that will never actually be completed. Both are stories about how nothing really means anything anymore to the main character, they only need a mindless task to be content with life. That was my take on it anyhow.

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