Plagerism vs. Remix

March 5, 2014

In the Ted Talk “Laws that Choke Creativity”, Lawrence Lessig discusses three technologies (talking machine, planes, and broadcasting) that forced a new understanding of culture.  He defines this change as a “…culture where people participate in the creation and recreation of their culture”.  He goes on to argue that recreation or “remixing” of previously created […]

Technology and Creativity

February 26, 2014

Technology often appears to be more related to the sciences than the arts.  However, in some instances technology requires more creativity than other disciplines.  This is because developing something new in technology requires rewriting and rethinking all previous conceptual algorithms.  Jones (1990) discusses several examples where adherence to traditional thinking is illustrated stating that these […]

Creative Spirituality

February 21, 2014

Spirituality is an intimate connection to anything in a way that transcends the tangible world.  This isn’t to say that someone cannot have a spiritual relationship with a physical person or thing.  Rather, it is the process by which that connection is made.  For example, the practice of yoga is something that can be both […]

I am someone who takes a good deal of care with how I adorn my body, specifically based in how I dress.  I have always had a love of clothing because I feel it is a very important form of art as expression.  I am interested in unique designs, styles and fits.  I often even […]

Food & Art Interview

February 2, 2014

Interviewer: CjB Interviewee: Brittany Meal being discussed: Truffle oil broccoli with Himalayan salt and Teriyaki seared tofu Do you believe food is an art or not? “Yes, I would say it is art especially when you go to a fancy restaurant and they present it really nicely.  And, it’s a talent that not everyone has, […]

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