Create a 111 Bookmark Folder
Create a 111 Bookmark Folder in Chrome
- In the upper right corner of the browser toolbar, click the Chrome menu
- Click Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager.
- On the left side of the page, click the Folders drop-down arrow.
- Click Add Folder, then name your folder.
- Drag any bookmarks into your folder. Shift-click to pick more than one item.
Bookmark these sites
- 111 Canvas Course
- 111 Schedule Page
- Piazza Q&A Forum
- JavaScript: Novice to Ninja, code archive (Github)
- Office & Help Hours B008 Sci Libr
- Learn to Code HTML & CSS ( If you did not take CIS 110 at the UO, you must complete this Codecademy course before the end of week 2 of the term. Estimated course time: 7 hours.
- HTML/CSS Online Book. Excellent tutorial and reference. Ch. 1: HTML; ch. 2: CSS.
- Cloud9. Shared JavaScript IDE for live coding.
- JSHint. De-lint your JavaScript code.
- Ex-Zen Cheat Sheet. Emmet (formerly known as Zen) is a code editor plugin that allows you to type abbreviations that are expanded to code snippets.
- Mozilla Thimble. Thimble is an online code editor that makes it easy to create and publish your own web pages while learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
- Discover browser developer tools (MDN)