University of Oregon

Chapter 2 Reading Guide

Programming Basics

Concept Page #
Comments, Grammar 20-21
Strings 23-24, 27-30
Variables 24-26
Assignment statements 27
Numbers 31 (skip Octal, Hex, Exponentials)
toFixed Method 33
Operators 33-37
Types, coercion/conversion 37-39
Undefined, Null 41
Logic Operators 41-45
Bitwise Ops Skip
Comparison Ops 48-53


  1. Types and Variables
  2. Strict Mode, and Switching it On.
  3. Variables in Strict Mode.
  4. Strict Mode === JavaScript: The Good Parts. (p. 266 of JavaScript: Definitive Guide, 6/ed (OReilly).


  1. Values, variables, and literals (MDN)
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