WebAppDev 111
Week 8 covers all of JavaScript’s built-in objects (ch. 5) and a special object called the DOM (ch. 6).
A concise definition of JavaScript’s six fundamental types (fromJavaScript: The Definitive Guide).
Note that all primitive types are immutable (cannot be changed).
- Ch. 5 Study Guide: JSON, Date, RegExp objects
- Object Basics
- Arrays are Objects
- Strings are read-only arrays of characters. Instead of accessing individual characters with the charAt() method, you can use square brackets [].
- String Methods
Examples from Class
- How To Solve It By Computer
- Online JavaScript Visualizer
- Debugging JavaScript with Chrome DevTools
- proper divisors of N
- recognizing primes
Project 5
Due 2100 Fri 5/27. Available in Canvas.
Optional Makeup Project
Due 2100 Fri 6/3. Available in Canvas.