University of Oregon

Week 3


A function is a reusable block of code that has a name and performs a specific task.

(Think, “Lego”.)

Flow of Control: Which statement gets executed next?

Control Structures: A) Sequence; B) Selection; C) Iteration and/or function calls.

Required Reading

  1. Ch. 2 Study Guide, Boolean operators (41-45)
  2. Logic operators and truthiness
  3. Ch. 3 Study Guide, Selection (69-72)
  4. Ch. 4 Study Guide, Functions (pp. 82-89)
  5. Variables
    1. Declaration, Assignment
    2. Scope
    3. Hoisting
  6. Numbers
    1. JavaScript Numbers
    2. JavaScript Number Methods
    3. JavaScript Math Object
  7. Strict Mode


Project 2: Due 2100 (9PM) on Fri 4/15 XC, Tue 4/19 FC

Optional Web Field Trips

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