Install Workflow Tools
Always go to the app’s web site to download software. Avoid all 3rd-party websites. Many 3rd-party downloads carry malware.
Windows Users: You will need Windows 7 or higher in 111.
MacOS Users: You will need OS X 10.8 or higher in 111.
What to Install and Learn:
- Install Chrome.
Chrome is a cross-platform web browser with built-in WebDev Tools. - Memorize the keyboard command to open Chrome DevTools:
MacOS: option-command-j
Windows: control-shift-j, or F12 - Install the Atom code editor and/or the VS code editor
MacOS: Atom follows the standard Mac zip installation process. Press the download button at the site. Once you have the .zip file, you can click on it to extract the application and then drag the new Atom application into your Applications folder. Important: all apps on a Mac should live in your Applications folder.Windows: Head on over to and click the Download Windows Installer button to get started, then run the installer. - Learn Atom: Atom Basics: Be sure to uncheck Show Welcome window, and check No I don’t want to help.
Video: How to set up your Preferences.
Speaker Deck: Resistance is Futile. - Learn VS Code: Getting Started with VS Code.
- If you are using Atom Install These Atom Packages.
- If you are using VS Code install these extensions Prettier, ESLint and Open in Browser.
- Install SSH/SFTP Apps: puTTY and winSCP (for Windows); Fugu (for MacOS).
Why Atom?
- Atom is a free and open-source code editor.
- Atom’s package manager is accessible even for beginning developers.
- Atom is an Electron application, and is implemented using the same web technologies as apps that run in your browser– JavaScript, HTML, CSSm and Node.js.
Why Not Sublime Text?
- Sublime Text is not free and open source (but the trial version can be used indefinitely for “Winrar free”.
- Sublime Text’s package manager is daunting for beginners.
- You are welcome to use Sublime Text if you Install these Sublime Text packages.
Why Not CyberDuck?
Although CyberDuck is free, open source, and cross-platform, we are not using CyberDuck because you have to open a second window on your desktop to transfer files. Fugu & WinSCP have both windows built-in.
Fugu and WinSCP win on this point.
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