What is the only language that will allow you to build web applications, APIs, mobile applications, and desktop apps? JavaScript.
JavaScript runs everywhere– in the browser, on the server (Node.js), on mobile (Android, iOS), and on the desktop (Electron, Chromium).
JavaScript makes the Web (HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript) a platform for software application development: Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora, Gmail, Youtube, ….
History (wikipedia)
JavaScript was originally developed in 10 days by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally renamed to JavaScript (1996).
Netscape delivered JavaScript to Ecma International for standardization.
- The 1st edition of ECMAScript (ES1) was adopted in 1997.
- Our textbook uses the 5th addition (ES5), finalized in 2009.
- The 6th edition (ES6), officially known as ES2015, was finalized June 2015.
- The 7th edition (ES7), officially known as ES2016, was finalized June 2016.
- Browsers already support some ES8 features.
Essential JavaScript
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial. Add this to your 111 bookmarks folder.
- Why JavaScript? (FullStack Academy)
- More JavaScript Resources…
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