Welcome to WebDev 111
In CIS 111 you will learn web programming with JavaScript, the machine language of the web platform.
CIS 111 is a required course in the CIT minor, which covers web development using both client-side and server- side JavaScript.
Required Reading
- Course Syllabus in Canvas
- The CIS 111 WebDev Workflow. Memorize these 4 steps– they may be covered on the midterm and/or the final.
- Memorize the Keyboard Command to Open the Chrome DevTools Console.
- Command-Line JavaScript.
- Chapters 1, 2, 11, 15, 27, JABG.
- Why Learn to Code?
Optional Web Field Trips
- JavaScript in 3 Minutes (Try JavaScript)
- 5 Reasons to Learn HTML && CSS (Code School blog).
- Why JavaScript? (FullStack Academy).
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