When you are working on a website locally on your own computer, you should keep all the related files in a single folder that mirrors your 110 website folder on the server.
This folder can live anywhere you like, but you should put it somewhere where you can easily find it without having to do a search.
Where should your website live on your computer?
- Create a folder named 110 in your Documents folder. This is your 110 site root folder. Make sure you know where to find it without having to search.
- What structure should your website have? Create subfolders named css, examples, images, js, p1, p2, p3, p4, and p5. Use exactly these names, completely in lowercase with no spaces. Read why.
- This image shows the mirrored relationship between the 110 on your computer and the 110 folder you will create on the uoregon.edu server:
Web Information Architecture in a Nutshell