“It’s impossible today to know where all of your personal information resides, much less control it. The amount of information known about an individual has exploded in the last fifty years of our information technology revolution. Once information has been digitized, it can be collected and stored without our knowledge or consent.”
1. You immediately complain that this list should be subscripted as zero.
2. By the time you’ve gotten here in this document, you’ve run a linter to check the HTML.
3. Point 2 annoys you, since this document is obviously plaintext without html.
4. The statement (0x2b || !0x2b) makes sense to you.
5. You find 4 funny.
6. You note with disgust that it always evaluates to true, since 0x2b != 0.
7. Point 6 disgusts you, because in other languages it would throw a runtime error.
8. Your DuckID password is the chemical formula for caffeine.
Unit 2:
Ch. 8: Networks,
Ch. 9: The Internet
Ch. 10: The WWW
How do we get a single bit of information from one place to another? This unit explores the technical challenges and questions that arise from the need to represent digital information in computers and transfer it between people and computational devices. Topics include: the digital representation of information – numbers, text, images, and communication protocols.
Friday: Data Science Overview, w/ Prof. Dave Wilkins, CIS
Class will start at 12:05pm. Learn about Data Science, and how to add it to your skillset at the UO.
Logic is the foundation of reasoning and the foundation of computing. By associating true with presence & false with absence, we can use the physical world (signals) to model the logical world (symbols), and vice-versa. This is the fundamental principle of Information Technology.
Logic is the foundation of reasoning and the foundation of computing. By associating true with presence & false with absence, we can use the physical world (signals) to model the logical world (symbols), and vice-versa. This is the fundamental principle of Information Technology.
Learn these Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows:
Total Page Reload: control-shift-r
Open DevTools Console: control-shift-j Mac:
Total Page Reload: command-shift-r
Open DevTools Console: option-command-j