Visual Studio Code is the most popular code editor today. Very similar to Atom and Sublime, its success comes from better performance and stability.
VS Code is an excellent free and open source code editor, with a package manager as easy to use as Atom’s.
In class, I will use both VS Code and Atom.
MacOS: VS Code follows the standard Mac zip installation process. Press the MacOS download button at the VS Code download page. Once you have the .zip file, you can click on it to extract the application and then drag the new Atom application into your Applications folder. Important: apps on a Mac should be in your Applications folder.
Windows: VS Code follows the standard Windows installation process. Press the Windows button at the VS Code download page to download the installer, then run it.
Difference between User and System Installer of Visual Studio Code:
The User installer does not require Administrator privileges to install. It also provides a smoother background update experience. MicroSoft recommends this setup, and new users will be directed towards using it by default via the Download page.
The settings made to VS Code in the System version save for all user accounts on the computer; the User version settings are only for the individual user account. If you only have one user account on your computer, there’s not really any difference between the two installers (except the location where the app is installed).
Set Up
- Read the Getting Started section on the VS Code docs page.
- IMPORTANT: Install these extensions: Prettier, ESLint, and Open in Browser.
- Read what one developer has to say about Prettier and ESLint.